Autodialer Slow

General and Support topics relating to ViciDialNow and GoAutoDial ISO installers

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Autodialer Slow

Postby jelastic » Wed Mar 23, 2016 11:55 am

During this week, the GoAutoDial system has been slow, the Autodialer mode, is taking longer than 1:30 minutes to launch a call to the agent.
It is giving a fifth sweep customer base, probé with a new base and the result is the same.
The system is functioning 6 months, two months ago vicidial_carrier_log clean the table.
What kind of maintenance should I perform, it's the second time this happens, does it have to do with the numbers on the list ?.


Version de GoAutoDial : GoAdmin ® 3.3-1406088000 | AGPLv2

Kernel Version 2.6.18-371.11.1.el5 (SMP)
Distro Name GoAutoDial CE 3.3

Processors 8
Model Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E3-1240 v3 @ 3.40GHz
CPU Speed 3.39 GHz
RAM : 16GB
Posts: 15
Joined: Fri Mar 04, 2016 4:18 pm

Re: Autodialer Slow

Postby Merchant007 » Fri Apr 01, 2016 12:48 am

Reports > Realtime reports >Choose Report Display options > Show Carrier Stats


check why u r getting less calls
VERSION: 2.12-548a
BUILD: 160331-2204
asterisk 11.21.0-vici
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Re: Autodialer Slow

Postby williamconley » Sat Apr 02, 2016 4:10 pm

jelastic wrote:Hello
During this week, the GoAutoDial system has been slow, the Autodialer mode, is taking longer than 1:30 minutes to launch a call to the agent.
It is giving a fifth sweep customer base, probé with a new base and the result is the same.
The system is functioning 6 months, two months ago vicidial_carrier_log clean the table.
What kind of maintenance should I perform, it's the second time this happens, does it have to do with the numbers on the list ?.


Version de GoAutoDial : GoAdmin ® 3.3-1406088000 | AGPLv2

Kernel Version 2.6.18-371.11.1.el5 (SMP)
Distro Name GoAutoDial CE 3.3

Processors 8
Model Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E3-1240 v3 @ 3.40GHz
CPU Speed 3.39 GHz
RAM : 16GB

Please Always post your Vicidial version with build. While the goautodial version is interesting, that's just the installer. The Dialer is Vicidial and the code base you're using for that dialer software is important (plus being a requirement for Free Support on this site ...LOL).

Keeping that in mind: You may want to look at which is another installer for Vicidial, only this one is supported by the entire Vicidial community and supports Clustering. It also uses the original web pages for both admin and agent and can be upgraded at any time without any fuss. Those modified Goautodial screens are pretty, but often they can introduce bugs and they do block upgrades completely. Onward ...

If your system has a malfunction such as losing DNS service, it can cause delays in many systems. This may be temporary (and go away when DNS returns). There are many reasons why delays may occur in various scripts. Your first step is to determine whether the Apache interface is slowing the request to the Vicidial scripts to make that call, or if the call is being requested immediately but not being acted upon until much later.

Apache logs may help (although you may need to temporarily turn on logging for viewing of agent login requests, depending on your apache configuration). Also the screens running in screen -list keep track of underlying vicidial functions and it may be useful to see if there's a delayed activity there.

Ultimately this could also be watched in the "vicidial_manager" table to see when the entry is being made (if that's late, it's a hint as to which process is going slowly, since that table entry is made by apache/php).
Vicidial Installation and Repair, plus Hosting and Colocation
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Re: Autodialer Slow

Postby jelastic » Tue Apr 12, 2016 9:58 am

Merchant007 wrote:Reports > Realtime reports >Choose Report Display options > Show Carrier Stats


check why u r getting less calls

Hi , thanks for responding , the problem was the llínea Internet was too slow.
Now there are more fluent
Posts: 15
Joined: Fri Mar 04, 2016 4:18 pm

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