Free Vicidial Wallboard (Dashboard)

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Free Vicidial Wallboard (Dashboard)

Postby SQLBusinessDesign » Thu Dec 19, 2013 7:46 am


I'm not sure if this is the right place to post items like this, however we'd been searching for a better live wallboard and statistical report on calls, DM's conversions rates etc for a while.

After we gave up, we developed our own and are now offering this free to any Vicidial users. You can find all the information on it by Googling: "vicidial dashboard" and we're second from top on Google. Our business name is SQL Business design (again, just Google us then go to Contact Centre > Vicidial Dashboard)

I hope this helps you all out - so far all the feedback we've had on this by users is very positive!
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Re: Free Vicidial Wallboard (Dashboard)

Postby williamconley » Thu Dec 19, 2013 12:36 pm

This is not a downloadable/installable product. It's a "Service". I think it would be more honest if you advertised it as such.

Free Online Vicidial Wallboard Service

The very concept of allowing your system to access a Call Center Vicidial Database to grab statistics makes the hair on the back of my neck stand up. Honestly.

I got the impression from your post here that you had created a cool wallboard php page and wanted people to get it from your site. But you're asking for access to their system to reach in and grab data while promising NOT to access sensitive data ... wow that sets off clanging bells for me.

Nothing personal (cuz I don't know you), but not what I'd consider a great first post.

And I hope you at least discussed the use of the Vicidial Logo on your site with Matt ...?
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Re: Free Vicidial Wallboard (Dashboard)

Postby SQLBusinessDesign » Thu Dec 19, 2013 12:54 pm

For those used to dealing with professionals, this isn't a hair raising prospect.

We actually go through a full non disclosure process and also give clients the option of child server setup so that we only access the tables we need, not the lists tables.

So far we've signed over thirty businesses to this, and non have issues around data security, so please focus your unhelpful comments elsewhere
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Re: Free Vicidial Wallboard (Dashboard)

Postby williamconley » Thu Dec 19, 2013 1:45 pm

Ouch. Maybe it is personal for you Mr. Little (Is this Phillip?).

My comments were not just for you. They are for any user who may read this post. As such, their "helpfulness" is not merely about whether I'm interfering in your gathering of leads, but about the safety and security of the data for these Vicidial system owners. Your response does not bode well in that regard.

Anyone doing business with a company that advertises a Free Product which turns out to be a "service" instead of a product obviously intended as an "in" to get business instead of an actual Free Product ... must then wonder whether there are other things that are not quite what they appear. Reputation is built in this manner.

As you expect users to Trust you, this would be based on their experience with you. Here, that would be Posts. You offer a free service to be helpful (although in a slightly sly manner), but have not posted a single helpful free piece of advice to any Forum user. Your first (and only?) post is a come-on to get clients to allow you to access their server's databases. You then get ... "touchy" when I mentioned that this all seems a bit risky.

To be clear, for all those listening: Vicidial is NOT a secure system. If you allow a Vicidial Professional (or a Vicidial Amateur who happens to be fairly good at mysql or php) access to your system, you are allowing them full access to your entire database. There is no way around it. If they promise not to access that data, be sure their reputation supports that assertion. I'm not really convinced that a person who offers a Free Product that turns out to be a request to access your database to allow them to provide a Free Service instead qualifies as a reputation builder in that regard.

What this means is that a company like this could, at their discretion, download your entire Vicidial_list table and any other information they choose to download the moment they can access your server via port 80 or 3306 (mysql). So be sure to whitelist your system (no one should have access unless you've authorized their IP address specifically to even see that your server exists) and when you do allow someone access, be sure you know who they are before you begin. And that they are in a jurisdiction where you can sue them should you desire. LOL

As to the thirty businesses you've already signed, I wish them luck and hope you're more honest than friendly. Really. (And I note your lack of response to the use of the Vicidial Logo on your site ...?)
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Re: Free Vicidial Wallboard (Dashboard)

Postby SQLBusinessDesign » Thu Dec 19, 2013 2:54 pm

As we're discussing repulation and friendliness, I'd urge you to take step back and look at the context and implications of your post.

Your first comments on my post, considering I was hoping to find a friendly and useful audience looking to add constructive comments, not what you seem to purport.

There is nothling "sly" about what we offer - we make it very clear what we access by default, and then also offer people wanting to take up our service an alternative. So what we offer is of huge benefit, and is delivered in a totally transparent manner.

What this pathetic time wasting discussion is actually about is you wanting to boost your own reputation on here by belittling other peoples offerings (interesting we find you in the similar space to us so I take your comments with a hint of less than friendly competitivness).

Anyone vaugly familar with Vicidial knows that it's an open MySQL Database, and that when we access it, we access all of it unless specified. So for anyone else unfortunate enough to come across what was supposed to be a genuine offer: we offer expert advice and support with Vicidial, MySQL and other web-based offerings.

What we don't do is trawl posts looking for something to do becuase we have too much time on our hands, and I curse myself for arguing with an idiot, as I have been dragged down to his level, and beaten with experience....
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Re: Free Vicidial Wallboard (Dashboard)

Postby SQLBusinessDesign » Thu Dec 19, 2013 3:13 pm

Oh and so that we don't have to say it later - please don't post anything else on our posts as your comments are not welcome.

We're certainly not planning to waste more time answering you....
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Re: Free Vicidial Wallboard (Dashboard)

Postby williamconley » Thu Dec 19, 2013 4:15 pm

It gets worse. Feel free to "not respond" and continue with your completely professional comments.

But first consider this (from your site):
Are There Any Particular Tables You Need To Access?
Yes, if you get in touch we'll tell you which tables we need access to. None of these tables store your Vicidial dialler data so your solution is totally protected

From your last post:
Anyone vaugly familar with Vicidial knows that it's an open MySQL Database, and that when we access it, we access all of it unless specified.

While I'm not sure what you meant by "access all of it unless specified", which would appear to be meant to imply that somehow you would not be allowed access in some manner.

But I am quite certain that it does not agree with what your site states CLEARLY: that the "dialler data" is totally protected. Which at this point I have to say is meant to lull someone into a false sense of security. When you wrote it were you trying to make the clientele feel more security without regard for reality (knowing of course that YOU trust yourself), or were you actually making a statement you knew to be untrue?

And the next point: After you've promised not to access the prospective new client's system, gain access to all of it and copy the entire client database ... how would a client ever find out you did it? In fact, would they? Answer: Turn on MySQL logging before they allow you in to see all the queries you run. But not a lot of Call Center operators are likely to even know this. So ... while promising their data is inaccessible (the implication of "None of these tables store your Vicidial dialler data so your solution is totally protected"), you are free to access anything you like. Are your customers (those 30 signups) all UK Call Centers so far?

At some point I expect you to get down to the actual facts and stop tossing dirt, if you're real that is. So far I've experienced only what I would expect from someone actually capable of data theft.

Of course, you COULD post the php code for your Free Vicidial Dashboard here on the forum (or make it downloadable on your site) as your initial post would have the general public believe. That would go a long way towards making a believer of me.

And just in case you're wondering, I'm not planning to go away and leave your posts alone if I see a danger to the public from them. Promising that data is totally safe and inaccessible to you in one location while freely admitting that you'll have full access in another, when added to the rest of the information from you in this post, does not make this seem like you and I are off on the right foot here. Not too late to fix the site, post your code (or change the Offer to more accurately represent what is being offered) to start addressing these concerns in that Professional manner you keep talking about. Maybe it'll get you more customers. Anything's possible. 8-)
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Re: Free Vicidial Wallboard (Dashboard)

Postby SQLBusinessDesign » Thu Dec 19, 2013 5:30 pm

Cracked :lol:
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Re: Free Vicidial Wallboard (Dashboard)

Postby DomeDan » Fri Dec 20, 2013 8:10 am

SQLBusinessDesign wrote:What this pathetic time wasting discussion is actually about is you wanting to boost your own reputation on here by belittling other peoples offerings (interesting we find you in the similar space to us so I take your comments with a hint of less than friendly competitivness).

I'm neutral in this point because I don't offer any paid service,
I'm here and helping out on the forum and sending code-patches because I like the Vicidial project, this is my way to pay back to the developers because I use their free software (free as in freedom!)

And I totally agree with everything williamconley has written in this topic!
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Re: Free Vicidial Wallboard (Dashboard)

Postby gers55 » Sat Dec 21, 2013 11:53 am

I would totally agree with William on this . William has made a mass contribution on this forum helping many users and your first posts are touting for business under misleading statements. I did have a look at your setup and was scared away with the fact that you wanted access to my servers. Why would not sell a license to your code which could be placed server side by the client.
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Re: Free Vicidial Wallboard (Dashboard)

Postby williamconley » Sat Dec 21, 2013 3:38 pm

gers55 wrote:I would totally agree with William on this . William has made a mass contribution on this forum helping many users and your first posts are touting for business under misleading statements. I did have a look at your setup and was scared away with the fact that you wanted access to my servers. Why would not sell a license to your code which could be placed server side by the client.

The goal is to gain clientele, not sell code for tidbits. (Unless he really is a bad sort, and I'm still not suggesting that even though the hairs on the back of my neck are still unsure of his motives, LOL) 8-)
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Re: Free Vicidial Wallboard (Dashboard)

Postby brett05 » Sun Dec 22, 2013 12:49 pm

SQLBusinessDesign wrote:Hi,

I'm not sure if this is the right place to post items like this, however we'd been searching for a better live wallboard and statistical report on calls, DM's conversions rates etc for a while.

After we gave up, we developed our own and are now offering this free to any Vicidial users. You can find all the information on it by Googling: "vicidial dashboard" and we're second from top on Google. Our business name is SQL Business design (again, just Google us then go to Contact Centre > Vicidial Dashboard)

I hope this helps you all out - so far all the feedback we've had on this by users is very positive!

PLEASE THE NEXT TIME DON"T WRITE THE WORD FREE !!!! or free vicidial wallboard
because you take as mad person !!!
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Re: Free Vicidial Wallboard (Dashboard)

Postby Trying » Tue Dec 31, 2013 8:27 am

Thanks for the heads-up William.
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Re: Free Vicidial Wallboard (Dashboard)

Postby enavaro » Mon Mar 17, 2014 2:54 pm

Thanks William for warning us about this Free Dashboard.
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Re: Free Vicidial Wallboard (Dashboard)

Postby williamconley » Thu May 01, 2014 8:00 pm

You know, there are enough of you interested ... if you pool your resources it would be fairly easy to build a Real Free Dashboard for Vicidial and post it here. After all, it's just a web page pulling data from the DB at a timed interval ...

Willing to bet if several of you got together and posted a $500 bounty on it you'd be able to write the specs and get it pretty. Probably even for less.

But do it in the Support Section (not on the Goautodial board). And be sure to specify that you'll want the final file submitted to the Vicidial Group for inclusion. 8-)
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Re: Free Vicidial Wallboard (Dashboard)

Postby gardo » Tue May 06, 2014 2:07 pm

Umm.. the GOadmin dashboard has been in existence for a while. The GOadmin is part of the GOautodial suite of applications (GOadmin, GOreports and GOagent) for Vicidial.



The GOautodial applications are compatible with Vicidial 2.7 RC1 and up (including the latest SVN versions - need the GOautodial apps v3.3.X).
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Re: Free Vicidial Wallboard (Dashboard)

Postby Trying » Wed May 07, 2014 4:52 am

Very neat. Can this not be incorporated with Vicidial as standard?
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Re: Free Vicidial Wallboard (Dashboard)

Postby williamconley » Sat Jun 21, 2014 6:40 pm

Trying wrote:Very neat. Can this not be incorporated with Vicidial as standard?

Concur: Can this be added to a stock Vicidial system, or is it necessary to bounce into the "non-cluster" version of Vicidial to use this dashboard? :)
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Re: Free Vicidial Wallboard (Dashboard)

Postby williamconley » Wed Nov 18, 2015 11:58 pm

gardo wrote:Umm.. the GOadmin dashboard has been in existence for a while. The GOadmin is part of the GOautodial suite of applications (GOadmin, GOreports and GOagent) for Vicidial.


While this is a cool "Dashboard" (Something for a manager/owner to look at ...), I think we're looking for a list of users and today's activity for each user.

So the Agents in the room can look at the Wallboard and see how they are doing compared to everyone else. Although it doesn't hurt to have totals and "room/dialer" information, the Sales totals for each agent today is really more like what they're lookin for. Not to disparage your dashboard at all!

Even the Free Guy had "leads" as a column for each agent, which is what is usually requested for the Projector/Wallboard. Most call centers I was in before Vicidial had this as a whiteboard some poor schmuck was tasked with updating hourly so the agents could see how they were doing. Especially if there's a spiff on the line. :)
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Re: Free Vicidial Wallboard (Dashboard)

Postby dspaan » Thu Jul 21, 2016 1:45 am

I'd just like to share this twitter bootstrap wallboard created by user iboam on this forum:

He also made a twitter bootstrap agent GUI. Perhaps an idea that vicidial would embrace these mods? The GoAutodial dashboard also looks sweet.

The thing is that i run into so many potential clients would simply choose for the competitor because vicidial looks out-dated.

Also, i have suggestion for the campaign details page. This page is like an endless page with settings you have to scroll through. Wouldn't it be a simple change to divide that page into sections where you could click a section to unfold that settings that are related to that category?
Regards, Dennis

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Re: Free Vicidial Wallboard (Dashboard)

Postby mflorell » Thu Jul 21, 2016 6:06 am

We're working on redesigning the agent screen, although it may take a while to finish it. The biggest problem with most alternate agent screens that I have seen is that they are customized for whoever made them and are not able to perform all of the VICIdial features like the standard agent screen does. Because of this, we can't add them to the project due to the resources needed to keep them up to date.

As for the wallboard, I haven't had time to look at it's code yet to see if it will fit within the VICIdial codebase.
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Re: Free Vicidial Wallboard (Dashboard)

Postby dspaan » Sun Jul 24, 2016 1:16 am

Hi Matt, that sounds great. How about this: viewtopic.php?f=4&t=35495&p=123779#p123779
Regards, Dennis

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Re: Free Vicidial Wallboard (Dashboard)

Postby williamconley » Sun Jul 24, 2016 12:33 pm

dspaan wrote:Hi Matt, that sounds great. How about this: viewtopic.php?f=4&t=35495&p=123779#p123779

Nothing personal Dennis ... but I don't like it (if my opinion counts, LOL). Bigger rounded buttons some of which are duplicated is not really a redesign. Not that we've designed one better, but I like what the Vicidial Group has been doing with the rest of the site.

I think it would be cool if someone were to build a skinnable agent screen. Define the areas where specific screens exist and break the .css out with a separate page for each layer ... and then just like wordpress you can redesign at will (as long as you remember to keep each layer in its boundaries). If those boundaries are well-defined, the look and feel of the agent screen could be individualized much in the same manner as the screen labels.
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Re: Free Vicidial Wallboard (Dashboard)

Postby dspaan » Mon Jul 25, 2016 1:32 am

Skinnable would be cool but if that takes longer then i'd be content with the example posted above which in my opinion is 100 times better then the current interface. Apart of what your personal preference is, the current interface just looks 1990 retro style. I've heard that of so many people. Of course i defend vicidial at that point and try to persuade them that vicidial beats the other systems in functionality but managers want eye candy, they want a pretty car....
Regards, Dennis

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Re: Free Vicidial Wallboard (Dashboard)

Postby williamconley » Tue Jul 26, 2016 11:43 pm

Challenge of course is that once in the core, someone has to maintain it. And it may work for your office, but not so much for everyone else.

In the end there will likely be several wallboard designs. Perhaps once skinned, there will be the ability to pull or skip any value or section on a customized wallboard based on selections in the URL that brings it up. Until then ...

I don't see this being added to the core without someone paying for it. If you can get enough buddies who all think it's worthy to chip in ... perhaps. :)

But if it won't ride on top of the existing vicidial code (without changes) and survive an upgrade ... it's not going to last long. Unless you can provide updates to the code for future versions, in which case perhaps it would be good to add and keep updating. But I don't think I have any clients who would use it. Too specific?

Don't mean to attack. LOL (I just didn't say "wow! perfect!" when I saw it.)

We've built several, they are always different (seriously: Very Different) for each call center.
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Re: Free Vicidial Wallboard (Dashboard)

Postby dspaan » Wed Jul 27, 2016 1:32 am

Oh i agree about the wallboard, that's very specific to each different callcenter situation. But i thought we were talking about a new agent interface.

PS: But an actual wallboard like this IS missinig in vicidial. Something you can display on a TV screen. However to make it usable for everyone you would need to be able to configure the squares with info you see. I don't think you have to strive to keep everyone happy, 80% is enough. :P
Regards, Dennis

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Re: Free Vicidial Wallboard (Dashboard)

Postby williamconley » Fri Jul 29, 2016 11:22 pm

Same scenario, except that the agent interface has soooo many layers and so much going on that implementation will not be "hey, this looks pretty! Can we use it?"

I'm not really a fan of the "boxes" design. Most of the clients who've had us build wallboards want to see the Today Standing of each agent with how many sales (or transfers, or whatever passes for a "good outcome") next to their name. Sometimes this is more than one column, sometimes they are even grouped dispos. Sometimes they must be broken by shift and they may overlap and require separate sections ... but they always want a row of Agent Names down one side and usually want them in order of Today's Rank (although occasionally alphabetically).

The Real Time Screen and Report Summary already has the rest. I could definitely see someone making a conglomerate screen with a URL configuration method that allows all these to be brought into one page for a landscape or portrait LCD on the wall, though. Especially now that Chromecast is so easy to use ...
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Re: Free Vicidial Wallboard (Dashboard)

Postby dspaan » Mon Aug 01, 2016 8:38 am

Yes Chromecast would be ideal for this. And i agree, a list of agent names and sales or average call time is something that many people are looking for.
Regards, Dennis

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