Help Needed Understanding REAL-TIME Screen

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Help Needed Understanding REAL-TIME Screen

Postby tblpidar » Fri Aug 07, 2009 11:38 am

Hey Guys:

I am experiencing a bit of an interesting issue, it looks like my ViciDialnow places hundreds of calls, but only a portion of those calls are counted towards DROPPED / ANSWERED the rest just magically disappear ?!? (It is quite possible that i simply do not know how to read the output properly)

Please refer to the screen shot of my Real-time Screen and tell me what you think:

Ok apparently i cant post an image since i dont have enough rep here, so ill explain what i see until i can post a link to the image[/img]

I have an overall placed calls for a day around a thousand: 1000
i have dropped calls about: 78
Answered Calls about: 115

Where did the rest go ???? And out of the answered calls the majority were answering machines, fax numbers, or some other BS (which were all dispositioned appropriately) So am i to understand that about 800 calls were simply ringing and no one picked up? which is why they weren't connected to the Agents ?!?

Secondly i dont understand why are there so many dropped calls to begin with, there were literally a 4 -5 times when i sawe a call in the queue and neither one of the agents could pick it up in time which qualifies for a DROPPED call, yet according to the screen it looks like almost every other call is a dropped does that work? and how does that fit in the the FCC regulation of 3% dropped calls?

Any other suggestions on how to improve the calling of ViciDialNow are greatly appreciated.

P.S: The system itself is awesome ;)

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Posts: 9
Joined: Thu Aug 06, 2009 4:46 pm

Follow Up

Postby tblpidar » Fri Aug 07, 2009 6:57 pm

Hmm looks like i understand it a little bit better now, so if the call is marked as Answering Machine, or No Answer, then it wont be counted towards the answered calls, even though i heard the machine recording.

Another questions is how do you reduce the dropped calls? and what is the real FCC standard? The best percentage of dropped calls i have gotten so far is roughly 30% and my campaign settings always allow one free agent (For this very reason)

Any suggestions?
Posts: 9
Joined: Thu Aug 06, 2009 4:46 pm

Postby mflorell » Fri Aug 07, 2009 8:30 pm

Have you read the ViciDial Manager Manual?
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