confused about ISDN

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confused about ISDN

Postby djarum » Sun Aug 09, 2009 10:57 pm

I currently have a vicidialnow install with a digium te210p dual pri card.
I can create call lists and load the hopper and vicidial says its making calls...but it doesn't call my cell phone,

I have the remote agent/broadcast set up as explained in the managers manual, but i have found no real clear information about how to use the isdn cards for outbound dialing, and what the setup is.

Zaptel is configured and the board is green..
ztcfg displays my channels correctly and zttool shows my board as green and i can loop and unloop it ..vicidial is just not initiating calls over my channels.
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Postby djarum » Thu Aug 13, 2009 1:35 pm

Nobody on this forum has gotten a digium type pri card hooked up to their vicibox and made outgoing calls from it?...
Does everybody use iax trunks or sip?
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Postby gardo » Thu Aug 13, 2009 2:07 pm

Please read the stickies/guidelines before posting your issues.
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Postby djarum » Thu Aug 13, 2009 2:53 pm

I have read all of them along with doing an exhaustive search of the forums, in addition to purchasing the agent and manager manuals,
What specifically did I miss, that would have helped me resolve this problem.
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Postby gardo » Thu Aug 13, 2009 3:34 pm

The part where you need to tell us what you're running on your server. Like the following:

Asterisk version
ViciDial/Astguiclient version

The output of the Asterisk CLI when dialing also helps a lot.
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Postby williamconley » Thu Aug 13, 2009 5:26 pm

OK, sorry I'm late boys:

I say this to most newcomers so bear with me ... "Please read the stickies and the manual before posting. In there you will find that you need to post your hardware and software with versions and any Other Software you may have installed in your system. Put this information in your signature and you will save yourself a lot of 'waiting' time while noone can really help you because they don't have this information."

I think everyone relies on me to drop this tidbit on all the newbies. Just a guess.

That being said, most of the major Posters (those with hardware experience!) are extruciatingly aware of minor idiosyncrasies and major flaws and incompatibilities and simple setups which differ from version to version of this software.

So: Post your OS, your Install method/version (VicidialNOW 1.2? Vicibox 1.0RC2? scratch? etc), your Vicidial and Asterisk Versions and ANY other software installed on the box (a single line as a signature does this very nicely).

Then when a Vicidial professional who is volunteering his (limited) time sees your post he may not just pass over it and move on to someone whose question he CAN answer.

Next: Before trying this problem as a "Vicidial" problem, have you verified that this card can dial in "Asterisk"? This is a requirement for Vicidial to use the card. The knowledge of the settings necessary (dial plan especially) to make and receive calls successfully in Asterisk are quite helpful (read: mandatory) when later using the card in Vicidial.

Also note that although we are all VERY happy Vicidial is here, it is still fairly small compared to Asterisk itself. There are A WHOLE FREAKIN LOT of Asterisk users out there. The "Forum Base" to get questions answered to get the card working with Asterisk "out there" is much wider than here in the Vicidial forum. HERE, you have to rely on the hope that one of the professionals has the specific experience with THAT hardware and can somehow glean what your problem is from the information you've given ...

You see, we are all happy to help, and we do it every day, but we can only give answers we HAVE.

Rant over. Please continue with your day.

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