two ip can't login

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two ip can't login

Postby softwalk » Mon Aug 17, 2009 10:57 am


i have two network cards in a vicidialnow
eth0 = (private)
eth1 = (static public)
inmediatly after login, give me: 'your session has been disabled'

i don't know how configure the sip.conf to work like this or where is the problem.

The goal is skip the firewall (pfsense) becuse behind the nat give me many problems.


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Joined: Fri Oct 19, 2007 3:05 pm

Postby williamconley » Thu Aug 20, 2009 12:24 am

Better place to ask would be Asterisk forums. More users with more pure asterisk configuration experience. This is not a "vicidial" question. You may get an answer eventually, but you'll probably get one faster there (larger audience).

(OK: Now somebody answer him quick so I can look silly!)
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