Call DISCONNECT problem

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Call DISCONNECT problem

Postby joylovebasu » Thu Aug 20, 2009 2:37 pm

Many times I have seen that my Dialer DOESN'T disconnect the call and due to which I get VOIP billed for 3-4 hrs .

I spoke to my VOIP provider and he says that due to soft dialer L3 TCP signal problem, your server doesnt send proper acknowledgement to our VOIP server and thats why call doesnt get disconnect.

What you say ?
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Postby williamconley » Thu Aug 20, 2009 3:28 pm

1) get a new voip provider and refuse to pay the bill

2) but first verify that the call actually does disconnect according to Asterisk.

If they are a VOIP provider, they must use VOIP signalling. invoicing a client for a call that was terminated is called "ripping off the newbie" and not acceptable.

if they offered SPECIFICS on EXACTLY how the call must be terminated, of course, use them, but if they just said "you didn't terminate the calls correctly" they should be ashamed of themselves. regardless, they are not entitled to $$ unless there was a call on the system between THEM and THEIR PROVIDER *AND* between YOU and THEM. If either of those calls terminated, they are not entitled to payment.

Asterisk has a nice logging facility for this sort of thing. In /var/log/asterisk. Have a look.
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