Unable to add Script in Vicidial Now

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Unable to add Script in Vicidial Now

Postby pixzan » Sat Aug 29, 2009 6:05 pm

HI guy's I am using Vicidial , I tried many times Adding the Script but i couldn't find it added. What's the correct method to ADD Scrpt.
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Postby williamconley » Mon Aug 31, 2009 9:21 pm

Please read the stickies and the MANUAL (available on EFLO.net) before posting. In there you will find that you need to post your hardware and software with versions and any Other Software you may have installed in your system.

Put this information in your signature and you will save yourself a lot of 'waiting' time while noone can really help you because they don't have this information.

Also, you may find that you answer your own question or find out where your answer may be (so you don't have to wait for an answer ...).

Then come back! We're happy to help.

PS: If you are trying to add a script, have you tried to add one with special characters or spaces in the name or description line? I've often found that people assume they can put anything they like ... but there are (?) help buttons that generally list the limitations of what you can put in each field. Have you tried to make one with "one" in ALL the fields? just to see if you can make one at all?
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