by cjonesmo » Fri Sep 25, 2009 10:46 pm
Nope - that's not are some stats if I can paste them...the numbers are RARELY, but sometimes higher for vicidial and are typically significantly lower for vici - as if it's starting the timer at the point the call is picked up or something:
Try this query - and note that my numbers were only called once - no redials:
select status,vicidial_log.length_in_sec as vici_log_seconds,call_log.length_in_sec as call_log_seconds from vicidial_log inner join call_log on phone_number=right(number_dialed,10) where call_date>'2009-09-25';
And Check the results - here's a small sample:
'PM', 45, 25
'NA', 1, 60
'PM', 45, 37
'PU', 18, 15
'NA', 1, 15
'PU', 22, 13
'NA', 1, 16
'NA', 1, 15
'PU', 6, 7
'PU', 4, 12
'PM', 46, 56
'NA', 1, 17
'PM', 45, 2
'NA', 1, 60
'PU', 8, 14
'NA', 1, 60
'NA', 1, 50
'NA', 1, 60
'NA', 1, 60
'NA', 1, 61
'PU', 20, 8
'NA', 1, 21
'NA', 1, 60
'XFER', 18, 21
'NA', 1, 24
'XFER', 13, 25
'NA', 1, 62
'XFER', 8, 11
'XFER', 9, 12
'B', 1, 8
'XFER', 10, 5
'NA', 1, 60
'XFER', 8, 7
'XFER', 68, 10
'XFER', 37, 23
'NA', 1, 61