Hi all,
Here's a small contribution to those who are interested. If you want a customised logo per campaign (replacing the GoAutodial logo at the bottom left of the screen). Modify the vicidial.php file in the goautodial-agent folder of your server at about line 12928 to read:
<td rowspan="5" align="center" width="290"><img src="./images/vicidial_campaign_logo_<?=$VD_campaign?>.gif" /></td>
instead of:
<td rowspan="5" align="center" width="290"><img src="./images/vicidial_logo.gif" /></td>
This implies that you must create a .gif of your desired campaign and place it in the goautodial/images folder as well. The .gif must be named as vicidial_campaign_logo_THENAMEOFYOURCAMPAIGNINCAPS.gif - remember that nix is case sensitive. It's a 250x78 logo so you're going to want to size your picture the same way. If your campaign ID is therefore GENIUS in the vicidial admin web pages name your logo as vicidial_campaign_logo_GENIUS.gif . Note that once you do this, ALL your campaigns will need a logo otherwise you'll see image not found/X/black boxes on your agent campaign screen. Also, if you break something I don't take responsibility - always make a backup before attempting changes.