Silence while waiting for phone to answer - Manual Dialing

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Silence while waiting for phone to answer - Manual Dialing

Postby fairch » Tue Oct 11, 2011 11:29 am

Kernel Version 2.6.18-238.9.1.el5.goPAE (SMP)
Distro Name GoAutoDial CE 2.1


I am quite new to Vicidial, and still trying to get it working before proposing it for our company. I am currently using the system using the INBOUND_MAN Dialing Method. The system functions, as far as being able to make outbound calls and receive incoming, but here's the problem: when I make an outbound call, after I click on Dial Next, and then Dial Lead (Lead Preview enabled), and I am then waiting for a response from the called person, I hear nothing but silence. I do not hear the customary "ringing" sound, indicating the phone is ringing on the remote end.

I have accounts with both BinFone and GoAutoDial for VoIP service. The problem occurs with both carriers - using one at a time, with the other carrier disabled. I can make the calls - people answer the phone, we can converse and complete the call, but it seems like I should be able to hear that "ringing" sound while I'm waiting.

The GoAutoDial people did a test by using their dialer, and using my settings for the carrier, and dialing the same numbers that I dialed. They report no problem, they can hear the phone ringing! They suggested I check my campaign settings, but wouldn't be more specific, unless I pay more money, I guess.

I'm on a very limited budget, and I was hoping I could get help here.


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Postby williamconley » Sun Oct 23, 2011 9:47 pm

The asterisk dial command has an option of "R" which is only useful if a package called "BriStuff" is installed. This option will provide a ringing sound even if the carrier does not send one back during ringing.

I do not know if GoAutoDial 2.1 has BriStuff, but my last report was the Vicibox 3.1.12 (and perhaps earlier versions) do. BriStuff is free and can be installed onto an existing system, of course, but the learning curve for that may be be more than the learning curve to install Vicibox 3.1.12 if the "R" is not functional in GoAuto2.1.

The Dial Command is in your "Dialplan Entry" for the carrier (may already have tTor as options, but must have at least the "o" option as that is required).
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