by williamconley » Sun Nov 06, 2011 5:24 pm
Google the "multi-server manual" for vicidial for clustering older servers. use vicibox 3.1.12 (NON preload version, as it is NOT for clustering which is noted on the download site) if you want the latest installation. Neither of these items is associated with a fee.
I will say, however, that if you had purchased the Vicidial Manager's Manual (, or just click home in the top left corner up there), you would likely already know that multiple campaigns with agents in geographically remote locations is what Vicidial was built to support. Not to mention hot-seating (an agent from your Taiwan office can travel to Jamaica and ... just log in as if he were at his regular office!).
Your limitations are your hardware. When your hardware becomes overworked, you "cluster" (Multi-Server). The only restriction is that the entire cluster must be physically located in the same facility to allow fast communication with the Database server (which may or may not be one of the other dialers, the MySQL Database server CAN be part of the cluster or not ... as long as it is time-synced and has lots of capacity for connections and SPEEED!).
The agents, however, need only have decent internet connectivity to the "Cluster" (or single server, if your hardware can handle all your traffic clustering is not required!)
Vicidial Installation and Repair, plus Hosting and Colocation
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