Call quality issue/lagged after timeout on Queue

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Call quality issue/lagged after timeout on Queue

Postby suneyo21 » Sun Nov 06, 2011 11:00 pm

I have this inbound campaign wherein customers can stay up to 10mins on queue until there is available agents, if there is no available agent/s after 10mins it will then be forwarded to a different support group which is an external number or DID, by then they will experience the said delays or lag.

Reaching the external number/DID was fine when:

1. Called manually using the dialer.
2. Agents logged in to the dialer initiated the call transfer to the external number/DID

Call lag is experienced when the call is triggered by the queue itself.

Thanks in Advance,

Goautodial 2.1 from .iso | Vicidial 2.4-309a Build 110430-1642 | Asterisk | Single Server | No Digium/Sangoma Hardware | No Extra Software After Installation | Intel(R) Xeon(TM) CPU 2.80GHz | Core2Quad
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Postby suneyo21 » Sun Nov 06, 2011 11:46 pm

In addition, queue timeout will be treated as dropped (details below)

In Group settings:

Drop Call Seconds: 600
Drop Action: MESSAGE
Drop Exten: 61XXXXXXXXX

On the dial plan i have 61X, it means that this particular external no/DID used the default route, nothing special.

This is very rare, something new to me. Can anyone help?
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Postby williamconley » Mon Nov 07, 2011 3:47 pm

Thank you for posting all your specs. 8-) I like that.

I have a couple guesses for you:

1) Is this something that happens during heavy load (ie: more than 10 minute wait ... probably happens when you are busy? yes?). If so, can you test this after hours to see if the problem persists? Obviously if it does not, this may be stress related ...

2) Consider dropping the call to an InGroup and put a remote agent with that same number in that InGroup instead of dropping to a message. I'm not sure if this would cause the call to be treated any differently, but it may. If you set it up properly, it would also allow you to monitor those calls in RealTime as well.
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Postby suneyo21 » Mon Nov 07, 2011 11:23 pm

Thanks for your prompt reply.

1) Is this something that happens during heavy load (ie: more than 10 minute wait ... probably happens when you are busy? yes?). If so, can you test this after hours to see if the problem persists? Obviously if it does not, this may be stress related ... ---> This happens even on non heavy load operations, by the time it passes on the queue (welcome msg played, place in line, MOH) call quality is compromised. In addition, i have several campaigns here almost the same setup, the deterrence is that their queue time obviously high and 3rd party uses PSTN.

2) Consider dropping the call to an InGroup and put a remote agent with that same number in that InGroup instead of dropping to a message. I'm not sure if this would cause the call to be treated any differently, but it may. If you set it up properly, it would also allow you to monitor those calls in RealTime as well. ---> Will try this one. But how can i assign this remote agent to answer this another InGroup? And my Transfer no/DID will serve as remote agent but ideally just calling the extension on the dial plan?
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