chan_misdn Driver on VicidialNOW

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chan_misdn Driver on VicidialNOW

Postby harshit_tandon2004 » Mon Mar 15, 2010 4:50 am


We are trying to install E1 PRI card of Atcom on VicidialNOW . and the installation step of the card on asterisk are mentioned below.

However the problem is we are not able to find asterisk source file of asterisk on vicidialnow we tried locating in in usr/src/ but was not able to find it there can you please let us know where is the source file of asterisk in vicidial now

As to install this E1 card we need to install mISDN channel in asterisk.

Instalation Steps given on Atcom website
1: go to asterisk source file ./asterisk/channels/misdn. Run make misdn, then asterisk will update the misdn driver from, so make sure your internet connection before running it. [root@localhost misdn]# make misdn 2: and then go to the ../asterisk directory And run: make to build asterisk. [root@localhost asterisk-1.2.13]# make 3. Then you will see under ../asterisk/channels directory. 4: go to ../asterisk , run make install to install asterisk. And the mISDN driver will be installed together with asterisk [root@localhost asterisk-1.2.13]# make install 5. Then make samples. 6: Configure AX-1E Run [root@localhost /]# /etc/init.d/misdn-init scan If it shows [OK] found the following devices: card=1,0x1 <== AX-1E is detected [ii] run "/usr/sbin/misdn-init config" to store this information to /etc/misdn-init.conf Then run [root@localhost ~]# /etc/init.d/misdn-init config [OK] /etc/misdn-init.conf already present. backing it up to /etc/
[OK] /etc/misdn-init.conf created. It's now safe to run "/usr/sbin/misdn-init start"
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Postby gardo » Mon Mar 15, 2010 12:50 pm

You can download the source code of Asterisk 1.2.30.X from Digium's site itself. Or if you want the SRPM, here's the direct link: VicidialNOW 1.3 uses Asterisk
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