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call inbound
Thu Apr 07, 2011 9:34 am
by zxcoolman
hello all
My question concerns the mechanism VICIDIAL.
How does VICIDIAL when an external call arrives on Asterisk and therefore VICIDIAL. How are managed queues and queues. Using the perl script ,agi or any other.
Thank you for your help
Thu Apr 07, 2011 1:07 pm
by williamconley
in the "account entry" you will put "context=trunkinbound" to cause the call to be sent (when it arrives) to the extensions.conf context "[trunkinbound]". In the dialplan there, you will find the name of the script to which these calls are then sent.
Thu Apr 07, 2011 11:22 pm
by zxcoolman
Thank you, I already knew the operation with asterisk: p. sorry I did not order specific enough, I meant side script with a little analysis. When you look at the extensions.conf file is the script that performs the act AST_VDauto_dial incoming calls. Has anyone already parse the script because I do not understand.
Thank you in advance
Fri Apr 08, 2011 9:54 am
by williamconley
i'm not sure what you mean by parse the script. that's the script that handles inbound calls. parsing it is done by the php process at runtime.
it does not require any direct interaction as its configuration is handled via the GUI.
what is it that you are trying to accomplish?
Fri Apr 08, 2011 10:15 am
by zxcoolman
It's a project with my school, I'm in France.
My goal is to analyze what happens during an incoming call. A customer calls the call center, which is working to save the customer from the database and see if it is new or old customer. I think there called AGI-acted and DID_route adi_VDAD_ALL_inbound but I'm not sure.
What script builds the queue and the distribution agent?
Fri Apr 08, 2011 1:58 pm
by williamconley
That's more like it. Stated your case more fully, now we know what's "Up" as it were.
The scripts all work together to build what you may call a queue. Remember that this is not asterisk. Asterisk has a module named queue which has members. In Asterisk, when a call arrives, the call is placed in a queue until it is assigned to an agent and then removed from the queue.
Vicidial has InGroups and Campaigns which have Agents "logged in" awaiting the arrival of calls. When a call arrives, the call may be placed with an agent or wait for one, but even after being assigned to the agent, it is still considered a part of the InGroup/Campaign in which it arrived.
The entire Vicidial System is built around managing these two queuing systems (ingroups and campaigns). There is no single script that handles all of it.
You would do well to install a copy of vicibox or goautodial in a VMware box to see how it works (you need not actually spend a penny, even the phone calls can be fake internal calls that do not cost anything!).