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Another <feature list> question.

PostPosted: Wed Apr 13, 2011 11:57 am
by ndimension
Ability for agents to be logged in remotely anywhere with just a phone and a web browser

So, if i understand correctly:
1. I have a server in city A
2. The agent is in city B.
3. Hi fires up ie. Xlite, logs in.
4. The dialer (server) passes (to xlite) "target" (call awaiting).
5. He answers and does the talking.

Sounds reasonable to me, but. If the call is dialed using server and passed on to another geographical location - wouldn't that cause a lot quality problems (ie. delay)?

PostPosted: Wed Apr 13, 2011 12:36 pm
by williamconley
technically "the call" isn't passed to another location.

the agent logs in to a "meetme room".

the dialer calls a "prospect" (presumably at a remote location, unless all your clients are in the same city as your dialer? right?).

then the prospect is placed in the same meetme room.

Now we have two geographically remote calls in the same meetme room, on the same dialer.

The delay is unquestionably higher than if the agent is local, but it depends entirely on the lag time of your agent's internet connection to your dialer and the lag time of your dialer's connection to your voip provider.

if both are good, lag is negligible.

PostPosted: Wed Apr 13, 2011 12:55 pm
by ndimension
Now we have two geographically remote calls in the same meetme room, on the same dialer.

One call is server-prospect(A-B), one call is server-agent(A-C)?

The "voice" goes B-A-C not B-C?

PostPosted: Wed Apr 13, 2011 12:59 pm
by williamconley
Yes. All calls are brought to the meetme room. The meetme room transcodes all signals and retransmits to all listeners of the room.

meetme room is then the pivot/bottleneck through which all sound is processed and if necessary converted.