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how to build ivr

PostPosted: Wed May 25, 2011 2:10 am
by acbhaskar123
dear sirs,
plz tell me how to build an ivr which accesses a database using mysql or agi.
i.e an example for bank ivr which gives balance details to a mobile number.
plz try to give a dialplan for this.
thank u
Bhaskar reddy

PostPosted: Wed Jun 08, 2011 9:42 am
by williamconley
The asterisk dialplan and all agi scripting languages have the ability to access mysql information, however:

This is not a function or feature of Vicidial. You should try asking this question on an Asterisk forum (many more users). We offer services to generate this sort of functionality (and have done so for several clients from this board!), but it's not something that fits within the time schedule of free support on the board.

Which reminds me:

Always Post Your Vicidial Version with Build when you post. If someone were to take a shot at helping you, knowing your Vicidial Version is necessary to interact with the existing dialplan.