anacron doesnt start
Posted: Sat Jun 11, 2011 7:45 am
anacron keeps on stopping after restart. where do i check for problems re this service? i can't figure it out in /var/log/messages.
is it anacron or crond should be running? i have a fresh install v2.0 and noticed that anacron and crond are both running. in my live dialer, crond is running while anacron doesn't start (sort off as shown above)
im also not sure if this is related to goadmin page. asterisk, mysql, and apache services show "x" icon but when i checked the status all are started
[root@go ~]# /etc/init.d/anacron start
Starting anacron: [ OK ]
[root@go ~]# /etc/init.d/anacron status
anacron is stopped
[root@go ~]#
is it anacron or crond should be running? i have a fresh install v2.0 and noticed that anacron and crond are both running. in my live dialer, crond is running while anacron doesn't start (sort off as shown above)
[root@go ~]# /etc/init.d/crond status
crond (pid 3284) is running...
[root@go ~]# /etc/init.d/anacron status
anacron (pid 3297) is running...
[root@go ~]#
im also not sure if this is related to goadmin page. asterisk, mysql, and apache services show "x" icon but when i checked the status all are started