how to works agi-VDAD_All_inbound.agi file
Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2011 9:15 am
Hi All,
I am trying to understand agi-VDAD_All_inbound.agi file. I simply know that this file runs when a call comes in from an inbound call. But I don't know or can not understand how this file is actually work and integrate with other files.
I also can not understand comment which are included in this file.
My questions are,
1. In which way system passes these parameters for agi-VDAD_ALL_inbound.agi (upto 12 fields separated by five dashes "-----") file? I mean in which way this file will get these parameter values?
2.In this file which way, I can get caller's given DTMF value which caller will give after listening an IVR?
I am trying to understand agi-VDAD_All_inbound.agi file. I simply know that this file runs when a call comes in from an inbound call. But I don't know or can not understand how this file is actually work and integrate with other files.
I also can not understand comment which are included in this file.
# You need to put lines similar to those below in your extensions.conf file:
# ; Below are the parameters needed for the script to be run properly
# ; 1. the method of call handling for the script:
# ; - CID - CID received, add record with phone number
# ; - CIDLOOKUP - Lookup CID to find record in whole system
# ; - CIDLOOKUPRL - Restrict lookup to one list
# ; - CIDLOOKUPRC - Restrict lookup to one campaign's lists
# ; - CLOSER - Closer calls from VICIDIAL fronters
# ; - ANI - ANI received, add record with phone number (based on RBS T1s)
# ; - ANILOOKUP - Lookup ANI to find record in whole system
# ; - ANILOOKUPRL - Restrict lookup to one list
# ; - ANILOOKUPRC - Restrict lookup to one campaign's lists
# ; - VID - Add record with Vendor Lead Code received as argument 12
# ; - VIDLOOKUP - Lookup Vendor Lead Code received as argument 12 to find record in whole system
# ; - VIDLOOKUPRL - Restrict lookup to one list (argument 12)
# ; - VIDLOOKUPRC - Restrict lookup to one campaign's lists (argument 12)
# ; - VIDPROMPT - Prompt Vendor Lead Code to User with IVR to add record with Vendor Lead Code
# ; - VIDPROMPTLOOKUP - Prompt Vendor Lead Code to User with IVR to find record in whole system
# ; - VIDPROMPTLOOKUPRL - Restrict lookup to one list
# ; - VIDPROMPTLOOKUPRC - Restrict lookup to one campaign's lists
# ; - 3DIGITID - Enter 3 digit code to go to agent
# ; - 4DIGITID - Enter 4 digit code to go to agent
# ; - XDIGITID - Enter X digit code to go to agent(variable, i.e. 9DIGITID, 12DIGITID, etc...)
# ; 2. the method of searching for an available agent:
# ; - LO - Load Balance Overflow only (priority to home server)
# ; - LB - <default> Load Balance total system
# ; - SO - Home server only
# ; 3. the full name of the IN GROUP to be used in vicidial for the inbound call
# ; 4. the phone number that was called, for the log entry
# ; 5. the callerID or lead_id of the person that called(usually overridden)
# ; 6. the park extension audio file name if used
# ; 7. the status of the call initially(usually not used)
# ; 8. the list_id to insert the new lead under if it is new (and CID/ANI available)
# ; 9. the phone dialing code to insert with the new lead if new (and CID/ANI available)
# ; 10. the campaign_id to search within lists if CIDLOOKUPRC
# ; 11. the user to queue the call to for AGENTDIRECT in-group calls
# ; 12. vendor_lead_code if external mechanism like custom IVR is used to prompt user for ID
# ; you can also set the vendor_lead_code variable instead if you are using VIDPROMPT
# ; 13. VID enter prompt filename to play if method is set to a VID* option
# ; 14. VID you-have-entered filename to play if method is set to a VID* option
# ; 15. VID confirm prompt filename to play if method is set to a VID* option
# ; 16. VID digit length validation to use if method is set to a VID* option, set to empty or X to disable
# ;inbound VICIDIAL calls:
#exten => 1234,1,Answer ; Answer the line
#exten => 1234,2,AGI(agi-VDAD_ALL_inbound.agi,CID-----LB-----INB-----7274515134-----Closer-----park----------999-----1-----OUTB)
#exten => 1234,3,Hangup
# ;inbound with removal of first digit of callerID on all calls:
#exten => 1234,1,Answer ; Answer the line
#exten => 1234,n,set(CALLERID(num)=${CALLERID(num):1})
#exten => 1234,n,AGI(agi-VDAD_ALL_inbound.agi,CID-----LB-----INB-----7274515134-----Closer-----park----------999-----1-----OUTB)
My questions are,
1. In which way system passes these parameters for agi-VDAD_ALL_inbound.agi (upto 12 fields separated by five dashes "-----") file? I mean in which way this file will get these parameter values?
2.In this file which way, I can get caller's given DTMF value which caller will give after listening an IVR?