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Vicidial dns VS Router dns

PostPosted: Mon Sep 19, 2011 12:06 pm
by sofcall
Goautodial CE 2.1
Vicidial version 2.4-309a
no extra hardware.
no addons.
Hi. just wondering if it is a good idea to have the same dns configuration for both the server and the Router.(

In a configuration i have the same one.but while installing another vicidial server for a client i figured out that the ISP doesn't give them access to their own router.and therefore i'm sure they have their own dns configutration.

the router they have is PATTON SMARTNODE 4528 voip gateway router.

Any suggestion is highly appreciated

PostPosted: Mon Sep 19, 2011 5:11 pm
by williamconley
dns servers are meant to be shared by all computers on their networks, as a rule.

if you don't get access to your router, you are generally using DHCP which will "auto-assign" a dns server during IP acquisition. you can also use google's free dns servers.

It's also possible they were "given" the DNS servers in a configuration email by their provider.

Now, if you are speaking of something other than the DNS servers to use ("dns configuration") you'll have to share what you mean.

PostPosted: Tue Sep 20, 2011 4:30 am
by sofcall
It's also possible they were "given" the DNS servers in a configuration email by their provider.

yes they configured the router with their own dns and gave the dns servers to the callcenter manager.
So the router has it's own dns configuration and also Vicidial has it's own.

When i try to connect the the router using it's default user login(administrator)i get this page

Thank you.