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Outbound Campaign with menu driven IVR

PostPosted: Wed Sep 21, 2011 7:15 am
by rathin.saran
How do I create an outbound campaign with IVR where if some one picks up the call, he gets the option to
1) proceed,
2) be called back or
3) opt out
by pressing some number. If he chooses to proceed, he hears a questionnaire.

Every question is yes/no type.

If chooses to be called back, he gets three options:
1) 15 minutes,
2) 1 hour and
3) tomorrow.

Then the call is disconnected. Please help. Thanks.

GoAutoDialNow Specs
Vicidial SVN 2.4-309a BUILD: 110430-1642
Dahdi 2.4.1
VtigerCRM 5.1.0
Sangoma 3.5.20
CentOS 5.6 as base

PostPosted: Tue Sep 27, 2011 4:41 pm
by williamconley
1) GoAutoDialNow? did you just make that up? That's cute. Please post the actual name of the .iso from which you installed, which will have the version in it, for reference.

2) vicidial does not presently (AFAIK) have a questionnaire system. Poundteam has one, of course. 8-) cuz we're special.

3) if you drop calls in a campaign to a call menu (you may have to go through an ingroup first and then to a call menu, if your version has all this) you an achieve the choices, but the questionnaire would be "logs" in the menu system (and you'd have to retrieve your answers from the logs OR by setting it up to pass only "success" answers to agents, depending on what you're really trying to accomplish).

PostPosted: Tue Sep 27, 2011 5:06 pm
by mflorell
You can do outbound Survey campaigns and have them continue to progressive Call Menus with logging of keypresses, that is a feature of vicidial. There is no method for using a status to set the time of a callback though, but you probably could use some filters to create that effect.

PostPosted: Wed Sep 28, 2011 12:08 am
by rathin.saran
@williamconley & @mflorell
Thanks for your replies!

I am sorry about the iso name. It is GoAutoDial.

I have learnt to create my own dialplan in extensions.conf and I was able to implement most of the features I was talking about.

The only feature which I could not implement is the method through which the customers would be able to setup callbacks for themselves.

Would you guys please help me with the database table (is it asterisk.vicidial_callbacks ??) where the call back timings are saved so that the numbers are loaded on to the dial hopper on proper call back time? Is it really possible to implement auto callbacks in an auto outbound campaign with a remote agent on vicidial?

Thanks! :lol:

Re: Outbound Campaign with menu driven IVR

PostPosted: Fri Jul 04, 2014 1:30 pm
by ankit

I am also using GoautoDial and looking for same kind of dial plan, can you please help me to setup this dial plan, the only difference is that I do not want the customers to setup a call back time, if they want a call back they will have an option to press a button and call will be disconnected after that