Kernel Version 2.6.18-238.9.1.el5.goPAE (SMP)
Distro Name GoAutoDial CE 2.1
I am quite new to Vicidial, and still trying to get it working before proposing it for our company. I am currently using the system using the INBOUND_MAN Dialing Method. The system functions, as far as being able to make outbound calls and receive incoming, but here's the problem: when I make an outbound call, after I click on Dial Next, and then Dial Lead (Lead Preview enabled), and I am then waiting for a response from the called person, I hear nothing but silence. I do not hear the customary "ringing" sound, indicating the phone is ringing on the remote end.
I have accounts with both BinFone and GoAutoDial for VoIP service. The problem occurs with both carriers - using one at a time, with the other carrier disabled. I can make the calls - people answer the phone, we can converse and complete the call, but it seems like I should be able to hear that "ringing" sound while I'm waiting.
The GoAutoDial people did a test by using their dialer, and using my settings for the carrier, and dialing the same numbers that I dialed. They report no problem, they can hear the phone ringing! They suggested I check my campaign settings, but wouldn't be more specific, unless I pay more money, I guess.
I'm on a very limited budget, and I was hoping I could get help here.