General and Support topics relating to ViciDialNow and GoAutoDial ISO installers

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Postby sasukael » Wed Nov 02, 2011 7:39 am

hi everyone ... i was about to configure our goautodial for INBOUND CALLS...yet i already have a OUTBOUND campaign running in our goautodial...
... ive read the managers manual on Create an inbound-group, point a DID at it, and take calls....

i have a question :

What is DID means? is it the number to be paid from our provider or we just simply ask it them.... and if i have a number from our provider where do i put it?

I am new to this configuration ... yet i couldnt understand the first instruction on managers manual ....

1. Find out from your carrier(phone line provider) what they will be sending your calls to you as.
Many carriers will only send you the last 4 digits of the number that has been called. You will need this
information to setup your system properly. For this tutorial we will use 800-227-7655 as the inbound
800 number and our provider will send us all 10 digits for these inbound calls(i.e. 8002277655). For
more information on setting up a carrier within ViciDial, take a look at tutorial B above.

here is my goautodial:

Asterisk Version:

BUILD: 100527-2211

GOautodial VERSION: 2.2.1-260

can someone guide me?

I appreciate any advise
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Postby williamconley » Wed Nov 02, 2011 8:59 am

1) Let me begin by thanking you for posting your installer version along with your vicidial version with build. Excellent beginning.

2) DID mean: "Direct Inward Dial". It is a legacy term that was originally used to allow telephone companies to send calls directly to a specific phone line or small group of phones within a larger telephone system (imagine a huge corporation needing to have a special number so you could call directly to an individual or just a department, without having to go through the Main Operator).

Ordinarily, back then, the "DID" would be a 4 digit Code the phone company used to identify this inbound path, and the telephone system would catch that code, and route the call accordingly. Back then, the DID often had little to do with the actual phone number (although they did try to use the last four digits of the dialed number when possible).

Skip ahead to today ... SIP / IAX / IP Phones ... LOL

That term has survived, but now merely refers to "the phone number dialed". However: When the Carrier sends the "DID" or "DNIS" (or whatever they want to call it, and whatever field they want to put it on, which varies), they CAN send it several ways: a few samples if the caller had dialed 3522690000, the carrier COULD send the DID as:

Vicidial Installation and Repair, plus Hosting and Colocation
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Postby sasukael » Thu Nov 03, 2011 12:32 am

so basically .. if we want a DID ... we should bought/asked it to our provider? even if we are already provided for outbound calls .....

what should i ask to them?

i really dont know what to do ... yet i was able to understand what is DID means ...

Where could i get the DID? is it free to ask a DID to our provider.....?

sorry im really confused about this ...
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Postby williamconley » Thu Nov 03, 2011 4:10 pm

Since DID is a phone number, yes you can ask your VOIP provider or any other VOIP provider. Having your inbound phone from one provider while your outbound calls route through a different provider is quite normal.

Even having multiple outbound providers and multiple "inbound" (DID, phone number) providers is fairly normal in the world of VOIP.

When you make a call, you will "tell" the provider which callerid you want to be visible on the call. This number can be any number you own on any provider (not required to be the provider making the call for you). In fact, technically, you could use any phone number in the world (a dead poet from Russia?) and your provider will put that number on the call as the callerid. Of course, that would greatly reduce the likelihood that you would get a return call. LOL
Vicidial Installation and Repair, plus Hosting and Colocation
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Postby sasukael » Fri Nov 04, 2011 12:34 am

thank you so much for this reliable information ... it settles me ... :)

i contacted our provider and applied what you said ....

ill feedback later
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