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Campaigns & Sip Question

PostPosted: Thu Nov 03, 2011 8:30 am
by shanjay86
Ok i got a hosted Server running 2.0 goautodial works gr8

my question is i want to set up 2nd Campaigns and use a different SIP for it
but at the moment my 2nd campaign is using the 1st SIP to dial

even tho both dailin same place USA
i want to know if i can use different SIP for Different Campaigns

Hosted on VPS
goautodial 2.0
Agent web-client version: 2.2.1-260
BUILD: 100527-2211
No Hardware
No add ons
Using eyebeam

PostPosted: Thu Nov 03, 2011 3:48 pm
by williamconley
Yes you can if you set the original sip trunk up properly (91NXXNXXXXXX with a dial prefix of 9 in the campaign). This allows creating 81NXXNXXXXXX for the next carrier and dial prefix 8 in the next campaign.

Also: I'm interested to hear about the VPS hosting provider and the load you have on this system. Virtual Vicidial has not been known to work so far ... unless you only have one or two calls. So I'd love to hear about your call / agent volumes!