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Configuration of IVR

PostPosted: Mon Nov 07, 2011 2:18 pm
by usmanbutt001
hi to all,

well i have a predictive dialer which is working very fine.but now we have some new requirements is that first p.d is dialing the numbers automatically when customer pick up the phone then ivr start if customer press 1 then call will go to agent which is free if customer press 2 then number will go to DNC if customer press 3 then call will hang up.plz let me know how i configure this thing or broadcast ivr.waiting of your all prompt reply .

thanks in advance,

Vicidial CE-1.3
Asterisk 1.2.30
no Sangoma/Digium Card

PostPosted: Mon Nov 07, 2011 3:38 pm
by williamconley
Look up "Survey" in the manager's Manual.