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Dial plan of Vicidial ( Predictive Dialer )

PostPosted: Mon Dec 19, 2011 2:35 pm
by usmanbutt001
Hi to all,

Well can u please tell me regarding the Dial plan of Vicidial ( Predictive dialer)
What should be the exact dial plan in extension.conf file for predictive dialing.
What should be the script...?

Waiting of your prompt reply.


Vicidial 2.0.5
Asterisk 1.2.30
No Sangoma/Digium Card

PostPosted: Mon Dec 19, 2011 3:24 pm
by williamconley
1) you do not need to modify extensions.conf (bad idea)

2) Vicidial already does predictive dialing "out of the box" if you read the manual and configure it to your needs. This function is known as the "Dial Method" of "Adapt" which when combined with an "available agents only" setting of "No" in the campaign definition creates a predictive auto-dialer setup, but this should ONLY be used if you have in excess of 30 agents (preferably 50) in that campaign.

so ... i'm not sure what you are really asking. what is it that your system doesn't do that you need it to do?