Auto Load Leads

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Auto Load Leads

Postby nscottbrown » Sat Dec 31, 2011 9:49 am

We have recently deployed a Goauotdialer system with the great help of Demians team at GoAutoDialer. We have the dialer working with a broadcast press1 type campaign to notify all our customers that their orders were shipped that day and to expect them in a few days.

The leads are created from a php script that I wrote. It looks in our order entry database and pulls out all the orders that were confirmed for shipping that day. It then creates a properly formatted .csv leads file that we can download to our workstations.

The user then logs into Vicidial and adds those leads to the leads list. The dialer then dials them.

Process works great, however I would like to automate this process since it's something we do every day around 5pm.

I can set my php script to run at 5pm but I'm not sure how to automate the uploading of the leads to the dialer. Is there a folder that I can upload my csv file to that would automatically be scanned and then process the .csv file?

Or are there other suggestions as to how I could automate this process so that I don't have to use humans to do this?

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Postby williamconley » Sat Dec 31, 2011 12:37 pm

look in /usr/share/astguiclient

there is a command line lead loader designed specifically for automating the process of importing leads

execute with --help for a list of options

also look in /usr/src/astguiclient/VERSION/docs for very useful documentation (and read the freakin manual, lol)

also, you can have them created one at a time by using the non-agent api (ie: as each item ships ... instead of all at once)

you can even use TTS to "read" the shipping method/item name/customer name to the client if you like :)
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Auto Load Leads - to the very 'tippy top' of the Hopper?

Postby drosengarden » Tue Mar 27, 2012 9:38 am

Thank you for taking time to answer these questions. Your response above was very helpful in pointing me to the docs and files that can accommodate these 'integration' type tasks.

I also use vTiger. I am on the newest platform (5.3.0) - so I'm not sure how much all the integration (like user sync and call logging) will work - but I'm certain the scripts can be tweaked to make it happen (right?)

On to my question - I see that you gave the location by name where I can find the 'automatic lead loader' script. Something that can even be scheduled to run immediately upon a condition being true. (For instance - a lead turns to a different status in vTiger and a Work Flow can be set to run the lead loader script as soon as that status changes so the lead is loaded into a ViciDial list, correct?)

How about a scenario where an internet lead automatically is posted to my vTiger system - but then I want that lead to be the ABSOLUTE very next call that is made by ANYONE logged into the ViciDial campaign? If I understand the ViciDial architecture correctly - leads are loaded into a 'hopper' taken from the 'list' that is used for the particular 'campaign.' If there are a few leads - or even a single lead already loaded in the hopper - I would need the ability to take the new lead posted in vTiger and have that lead loaded at the very top of the 'hopper' taking precedence for the next call no matter what was already loaded in the hopper.

Can this be done? Thanks in advance!
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