Centos Release

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Centos Release

Postby gers55 » Sun May 13, 2012 12:34 pm

I have been having great sucess with a server hosted with vr.org untill the centos release updated.

This server has been bumping away for months with great call quality and no load issues.

Server usage

15 agents
dial ratio 3:1
g729 codec
Putting out around 17000 calls per day based on an 8 hour shift.
agents speaking to on average 4000 customers per day.

Up untill last thursday the centos release was 5.5 and on Friday when i started having issues the only change i had was that centos had updated to 5.6.This updated automatically as i did not do any updates.

Now that the Centos release has updated i am having some load issues.

I know when you see the server specs below you will say no way but this has been running smoothly for months.

Does anyone know which centos release comes with goautodial 2.1 i have read 5.6 but how does that explain me being on 5.5 to start with.

1GB Memory
2 Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5506 @ 2.13GHz
10 GB Hard Drive

Kernel 2.6.18-238.9.1.el5.goPAE (SMP)
Distro Goautodial 2.1
GoAutodial 2.1 Installer | VERSION: 2.4-309a | BUILD: 110430-1642 | |Dedicated Cloud Server | No other hardware
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Re: Centos Release

Postby williamconley » Sun May 13, 2012 9:53 pm

Ordinarily this description results in a system with a drive getting full or mysql tables that are loaded down and beginning to be difficult to write or a hard drive that is stressing.

Be sure you have your system backing up nightly and OFF the system.

Be sure you check your crontab and have all the optional "cleaning" crontab items turned on (archiving logs, deleting old recordings ...).

Be sure your hard drive is not over 90% full.

Be sure your recordings are being deleted (either by pushing to an archive server or just by deleting or both).

Also remember that memory can go bad, as can heat cause issues not noticed earlier (and fans not working to spec ... and dirty fans are even worse!).

Servers age ... and yours has been working for a long time.

Also: If your system actually changed from 5.5 to 5.6, I suspect that would entail a kernel change. If your kernel had changed, your system would have stopped on a dime.

Happy Hunting. :)
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