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Can't find Hopper VLC dup check option

PostPosted: Wed May 30, 2012 4:07 pm
by mjmillr2

In the manager's manual 2.4 it mentions

Hopper VLC Dup Check - Setting this to Y will result in every lead being inserted into the hopper
being checked by vendor_lead_code to make sure there are no duplicate leads inserted with the same
vendor_lead_code. This is most useful when Auto-Alt-Dialing with MULTI_LEAD. Default is N.

I can't find that option on the campaign screen. Here's a link to the hopper settings for my campaign.

I'm running GoAutoDial 2.1 | Vicidial 2.4-309a Build 110430-1642.

I checked another client running Vicibox | vicidial 2.4-357a build 120125-2107 and noticed the same issue.

Is there something else I need to set/configure to get this option to show up, or is this part of a later version of vicidial than what I have installed? Or am I just looking in the wrong place?

The reason I'm looking for this setting is that my client complained that they called the same person on different numbers within ten minutes using the MULTI_LEAD alt dialing method. If there are other ways to prevent this let we can try that as well.


GoAutodial CE 2.1 ISO | Asterisk | Vicidial 2.4-309a Build 110430-1642 | Sangoma A108D Card | Single Server | No extra Software | X-Lite Soft phone on client machines.

Re: Can't find Hopper VLC dup check option

PostPosted: Wed May 30, 2012 4:40 pm
by mflorell
You need to upgrade vicidial, you are not using the 2.4 release candidate or a newer SVN/trunk. The version you are using is over a year old.