press 1 campaign instruction in manual dont work for me

Hi gentlemen,
I am trying to setup a campaign to do a autodial press 1 campaign. I purchased the manual and followed the directions on that. I will put those directions at the end of this topic. However, I found out that there were limitations in the instructions as I have no idea how to even start an autodial press 1 camapign. Should I have an agent login? should I do a remote agent? if I do remote agent, how would I actually do that as there aren't any instructions for remote agent and auto dial press 1 campaign. Also if auto dial press 1 does not require remote agent, then how many agents should I log on to do the autodial press 1 calls?
I am using goautodial C.E 2.1, centos and VICIDIAl VERSION: 2.4-325c BUILD: 110430-1924. Any help will be much appreciated.
What I tried
I tried the instructions below, then I logged agent001 and clicked on resume in agents screen. This started dialing but I couldnt hear the message at all.
my recorded message file is 85100004. Below are my survey screen settings
Survey First Audio File: 85100004 audio chooser
Survey DTMF Digits: 1238
Survey Not Interested Digit:
Survey Opt-in Audio File:85100004 audio chooser
Survey Not Interested Audio File:85100004 audio chooser
Survey Method: HANGUP
Survey No-Response Action: OPTIN
Survey Not Interested Status: NI Not Interested
Survey Third Digit:
Survey Third Audio File: US_thanks_no_contact audio chooser
Survey Third Status: NI
Survey Third Extension: 8300
Survey Fourth Digit:
Survey Fourth Audio File: US_thanks_no_contact audio chooser
Survey Fourth Status: NI
Survey Fourth Extension: 8300
Survey Survey Xfer Extension: 8300
Survey Campaign Recording Directory: /home/survey
Voicemail: voicemail chooser
Below are the instructions that I got from manual.
J. Set up a “press-1” type, or survey, outbound dialing campaign
For this tutorial we will be adding the ability to dial out and have the customer presented with a
question to which they can respond by pressing a phone button(DTMF) key before the call is sent on to
an agent or another destination. It should be mentioned that if you are planning on doing this kind of
calling to consumers in the USA, as of September 1, 2009 you will have to have written permission
from each person you are calling allowing you to do so according to FTC regulations. For more
information on this, go to the FTC regulations section of the manual which is located after the Tutorials
or go to the FTC website at .
1. Go to the Campaign Detail screen of the TESTCAMP campaign and click on the SURVEY submenu link in the third row from the top of the screen of links.
2. We will be filling in the fields with the following values:
- Survey First Audio File – 85100008 (this would be one of the audio prompts you recorded)
- Survey DTMF Digits – 1238 (These are the allowable digits the customer can press)
- Survey Not Interested Digit – 8 (Must be one of the DTMF digits above)
- Survey Opt-in Audio File – 85100009
- Survey Not Interested Audio File – 85100010
- Survey Method – AGENT_XFER (to send the customer to an agent after the survey question)
- Survey No-Response Action – OPTIN (If customer does not press anything, call sent through)
- Survey Not Interested Status – NI (status to put in system if customer presses NI digit)
- Survey Response Digit Map – 1-DEMOCRAT|2-REPUBLICAN|3-IND|8-NI|X-NONE|
This is a pipe-separated list of the possible DTMF choices and what they mean
<We leave Campaign Recording Directory blank we are not using CAMPREC_60_WAV>
<We will leave Voicemail blank since we are not using VOICEMAIL method>
<We will leave the third and fourth set of options blank as well>
NOTE: for a more in-depth explanation of these fields, go to the Campaign screen section of
the manager manual.
NOTE: The audio prompt fields in this section are able to be set up as a Cepstral Text-tospeech(TTS) prompts, meaning that you can take information from the vicidial list and read it back
within the message that is being played. For more information on TTS functionality, see the chapter on
Cepstral TTS further down in this manual.
3. Now that the campaign options are set, click on the Campaign Detail screen and change the VDAD
exten to 8366, or another extension set that uses the agi-VDAD_ALL_outbound.agi script with the
SURVEYCAMP flag(or 8374 if you are doing TTS prompts) Also, make sure that your Campaign's
Dial Method is set to RATIO and your dial level is set to “1”.
I am trying to setup a campaign to do a autodial press 1 campaign. I purchased the manual and followed the directions on that. I will put those directions at the end of this topic. However, I found out that there were limitations in the instructions as I have no idea how to even start an autodial press 1 camapign. Should I have an agent login? should I do a remote agent? if I do remote agent, how would I actually do that as there aren't any instructions for remote agent and auto dial press 1 campaign. Also if auto dial press 1 does not require remote agent, then how many agents should I log on to do the autodial press 1 calls?
I am using goautodial C.E 2.1, centos and VICIDIAl VERSION: 2.4-325c BUILD: 110430-1924. Any help will be much appreciated.
What I tried
I tried the instructions below, then I logged agent001 and clicked on resume in agents screen. This started dialing but I couldnt hear the message at all.
my recorded message file is 85100004. Below are my survey screen settings
Survey First Audio File: 85100004 audio chooser
Survey DTMF Digits: 1238
Survey Not Interested Digit:
Survey Opt-in Audio File:85100004 audio chooser
Survey Not Interested Audio File:85100004 audio chooser
Survey Method: HANGUP
Survey No-Response Action: OPTIN
Survey Not Interested Status: NI Not Interested
Survey Third Digit:
Survey Third Audio File: US_thanks_no_contact audio chooser
Survey Third Status: NI
Survey Third Extension: 8300
Survey Fourth Digit:
Survey Fourth Audio File: US_thanks_no_contact audio chooser
Survey Fourth Status: NI
Survey Fourth Extension: 8300
Survey Survey Xfer Extension: 8300
Survey Campaign Recording Directory: /home/survey
Voicemail: voicemail chooser
Below are the instructions that I got from manual.
J. Set up a “press-1” type, or survey, outbound dialing campaign
For this tutorial we will be adding the ability to dial out and have the customer presented with a
question to which they can respond by pressing a phone button(DTMF) key before the call is sent on to
an agent or another destination. It should be mentioned that if you are planning on doing this kind of
calling to consumers in the USA, as of September 1, 2009 you will have to have written permission
from each person you are calling allowing you to do so according to FTC regulations. For more
information on this, go to the FTC regulations section of the manual which is located after the Tutorials
or go to the FTC website at .
1. Go to the Campaign Detail screen of the TESTCAMP campaign and click on the SURVEY submenu link in the third row from the top of the screen of links.
2. We will be filling in the fields with the following values:
- Survey First Audio File – 85100008 (this would be one of the audio prompts you recorded)
- Survey DTMF Digits – 1238 (These are the allowable digits the customer can press)
- Survey Not Interested Digit – 8 (Must be one of the DTMF digits above)
- Survey Opt-in Audio File – 85100009
- Survey Not Interested Audio File – 85100010
- Survey Method – AGENT_XFER (to send the customer to an agent after the survey question)
- Survey No-Response Action – OPTIN (If customer does not press anything, call sent through)
- Survey Not Interested Status – NI (status to put in system if customer presses NI digit)
- Survey Response Digit Map – 1-DEMOCRAT|2-REPUBLICAN|3-IND|8-NI|X-NONE|
This is a pipe-separated list of the possible DTMF choices and what they mean
<We leave Campaign Recording Directory blank we are not using CAMPREC_60_WAV>
<We will leave Voicemail blank since we are not using VOICEMAIL method>
<We will leave the third and fourth set of options blank as well>
NOTE: for a more in-depth explanation of these fields, go to the Campaign screen section of
the manager manual.
NOTE: The audio prompt fields in this section are able to be set up as a Cepstral Text-tospeech(TTS) prompts, meaning that you can take information from the vicidial list and read it back
within the message that is being played. For more information on TTS functionality, see the chapter on
Cepstral TTS further down in this manual.
3. Now that the campaign options are set, click on the Campaign Detail screen and change the VDAD
exten to 8366, or another extension set that uses the agi-VDAD_ALL_outbound.agi script with the
SURVEYCAMP flag(or 8374 if you are doing TTS prompts) Also, make sure that your Campaign's
Dial Method is set to RATIO and your dial level is set to “1”.