Wrong Info when Upgrading

General and Support topics relating to ViciDialNow and GoAutoDial ISO installers

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Wrong Info when Upgrading

Postby lark » Wed Jan 30, 2013 12:32 pm

Good Day Sir,

I just updated my GoAutodial's SVN Trunk I followed this below

########## UPGRADING FROM 2.4 TO 2.6 ##########

OPTIONAL STEPS(But highly recommended) - Backup existing system:

1. Run this for a 1-server system or server with database on it:
(this may take hours on large system)
/usr/share/astguiclient/ADMIN_backup.pl --debugX

2. Run this on dialer/Asterisk-only servers:
(do not run this if you only have one server):
/usr/share/astguiclient/ADMIN_backup.pl --debugX --without-db --without-web


1. Check system_settings, make sure you are at DB Schema Version 1316 or higher
If not, run the instructions for 2.2.0 to 2.4 before this section.

2. upgrade the MySQL asterisk database(you have two options):
A. Running the upgrade file directly from Linux:
mysql -f --database=asterisk < /path/from/root/extras/upgrade_2.6.sql

B. Going into mysql and executing the upgrade sql file:
use asterisk
\. /path/from/root/extras/upgrade_2.6.sql

3. install new files:
perl ./install.pl
NOTES: If you have customized any scripts in the bin or agi folders,
then make sure you back them up before running the install.pl script.
This script will replace existing files in the astguiclient installation.

4. For each of your ViciDial servers, go the Admin -> Servers -> Modify Server
page and set each one to "Rebuild conf files = Y" and click submit.
This will rebuild the conf files to ensure any changes are updated.

5. On one server only, update your phone codes data:
/usr/share/astguiclient/ADMIN_area_code_populate.pl --purge-table --debug

########## UPGRADING FROM 2.2.0 TO 2.4 ##########

OPTIONAL STEPS(But highly recommended) - Backup existing system:

1. Run this for a 1-server system or server with database on it:
(this may take hours on large system)
/usr/share/astguiclient/ADMIN_backup.pl --debugX

2. Run this on dialer/Asterisk-only servers:
(do not run this if you only have one server):
/usr/share/astguiclient/ADMIN_backup.pl --debugX --without-db --without-web


1. upgrade the MySQL asterisk database(you have two options):
A. Running the upgrade file directly from Linux:
mysql -f --database=asterisk < /path/from/root/extras/upgrade_2.4.sql

B. Going into mysql and executing the upgrade sql file:
use asterisk
\. /path/from/root/extras/upgrade_2.4.sql

2. install new files:
perl ./install.pl
NOTES: If you have customized any scripts in the bin or agi folders,
then make sure you back them up before running the install.pl script.
This script will replace existing files in the astguiclient installation.

3. For each of your ViciDial servers, go the Admin -> Servers -> Modify Server
page and set each one to "Rebuild conf files = Y" and click submit.
This will rebuild the conf files to ensure any changes are updated.

4. On one server only, update your phone codes data:
/usr/share/astguiclient/ADMIN_area_code_populate.pl --purge-table --debug

and everything is went well I guess but I just Noticed that in my System Settings it Shows:

Version: 2.6b0.5
DB Schema Version: 1339
DB Schema Update Date: 2013-01-30 12:15:25
Auto User-add Value: 101
Install Date: 2009-04-19

but in my Admin it shows:

I Used Vicidial's Default Web : hostip/vicidial/admin.php

VERSION: 2.4-309a
BUILD: 110430-1642
© 2011 ViciDial Group


while in my vicibox it is updated

is this Normal for GoAutodial?

Goautodial CE 2.1.iso AutoInstaller
Single Server
Version: 2.6b0.5
DB Schema Version: 1339
DB Schema Update Date: 2013-01-30 12:15:25
Auto User-add Value: 101
Install Date: 2009-04-19
VERSION: 2.4-309a
BUILD: 110430-1642
© 2011 ViciDial Group
Vicidial 5.0.3.iso (Auto Installation using vicibox-install)
Posts: 34
Joined: Mon Oct 29, 2012 6:42 pm

Re: Wrong Info when Upgrading

Postby williamconley » Mon Mar 18, 2013 11:32 am

you reprinted the update document, but did not state what steps YOU actually took to upgrade your system. as such, it is hard to find out what your problem is.

in your server, if you enter "history", it will show the commands you executed. that would be helpful to show us what you did and whether there may be an error. of course, don't include items that were not related to the upgrade, but you get the idea, right? show us what you did, we can tell you if you did something wrong or skipped a step. but when you only reprint the instructions ... we have no idea what you actually did.
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Re: Wrong Info when Upgrading

Postby gardo » Mon Mar 18, 2013 11:04 pm

When you upgrade Vicidial on a GoAutoDial based system, you should use the default Vicidial admin and agent interfaces. You might still be using the admin interface of GoAutoDial that's why you're still seeing the old version.
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Re: Wrong Info when Upgrading

Postby lark » Tue Mar 19, 2013 9:54 pm

Hi Guys

Thanks for the reply I already solve the problem I mess up with these steps LoL

3. install new files:
perl ./install.pl
NOTES: If you have customized any scripts in the bin or agi folders,
then make sure you back them up before running the install.pl script.
This script will replace existing files in the astguiclient installation.

4. For each of your ViciDial servers, go the Admin -> Servers -> Modify Server
page and set each one to "Rebuild conf files = Y" and click submit.
This will rebuild the conf files to ensure any changes are updated.

5. On one server only, update your phone codes data:
/usr/share/astguiclient/ADMIN_area_code_populate.pl --purge-table --debug

what I did is after the
perl ./install.pl
i reboot my box and i forgot to set "Rebuild conf files = Y" and proceed LoL

anyways agains thanks
Vicidial 5.0.3.iso (Auto Installation using vicibox-install)
Posts: 34
Joined: Mon Oct 29, 2012 6:42 pm

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