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Making the call entry sound on speaker rather than headphone

PostPosted: Tue Mar 05, 2013 4:25 am
by pargat

Is there a way to alert the agent via the PC Speaker rather than playing the ding sound in the headphones?
I have a campaign where the inter call time is large upto 45 mins and the agents tend to remove the headphones from their heads and let them rest on the necks while they work on other stuff. So sometimes they miss the ding sound made at the time of the call start. Is there a way to alert the agent via the PC speaker somehow?
The agent alert option only produces a pop up on the agent window, if it is in background it also gets missed.

My setup is as follows:
goautodial CE 2.1, Asterisk VERSION: 2.4-309a, BUILD: 110430-1642, Sangoma A101E card for PRI lines, Single server machine with no other hardware/software.

thanks !

Re: Making the call entry sound on speaker rather than headp

PostPosted: Tue Mar 05, 2013 10:09 am
by williamconley
try on-hook agent. then the phone's ringer can be speaker while the sound actually goes through the headset. and if the agent is NOT there, it will roll to the next agent.

Re: Making the call entry sound on speaker rather than headp

PostPosted: Tue Mar 05, 2013 11:46 am
by pargat
@williamconley Thanks for the update. How/where do I make this selection/change?

thanks again!!

Re: Making the call entry sound on speaker rather than headp

PostPosted: Tue Mar 05, 2013 12:23 pm
by williamconley
I am not going to guarantee it's in the manual, but I will have to ask if YOU have read the manual before asking how to use a feature that (should be in..) may be in the manual. I'd hate to post something easily read if it's in the manual. LOL This topic has also been discussed here on the forum several times.

Perhaps this link will assist you before we go any farther ...