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Call Purposes and Statistics

PostPosted: Wed Mar 27, 2013 12:55 pm
by bghayad

Once the call received at the agent and the web link will open the the vtiger which contains information, how I can get statistics about the queried records?

Here, the callers are calling our call center (which is a medical directory to give information about clinics, doctors, ... etc), so the callers will request some information, these information are existed on the vtiger, so the agent will query the information from the vtiger and reply on the callers by giving him what he/she is requesting. I need to have statistics about there queries (to know how many callers queries the specific clinic or the specific doctor, ... etc), how?


Re: Call Purposes and Statistics

PostPosted: Wed Mar 27, 2013 1:52 pm
by williamconley
This information is not stored withing any Vicidial or vTiger tables. However, you could likely harvest the apache log files to get it. There are many statistical packages available with various levels of granularity in configuration to harvest this information. Or you could add code to the search to store these in a database and build your own. All methods of harvesting are a bit ... involved. But all are doable and being done right now by webmasters across the world. Even google analytics could theoretically be involved in the process. Or your vTiger index page may be altered to capture the information to a group of tables for reporting purposes. 8-)