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No leads in hopper (but worked properly before)

PostPosted: Mon Jul 01, 2013 6:12 am
by lukymajster
Hello, I'm facing strange problem with loading leads. All of a sudden (without changing anything in the system - it worked for us in this configuration for two years) leads in all campaigns stopped loading, i.e. lead hopper is always empty, even if there are leads to be called (this happens with or without filters). Setting “YES” on “Force reset of hopper” doesn’t help either, but if I enter command which I know from other threads to this topic:

Code: Select all
 perl /usr/share/astguiclient/ –debugX --campaign=[some_id]

it loads some leads to campaign hopper, but after some time it has to be executed again, etc. The output from general command (without campaign id) is too long, but I can post it as well.
The command with “--dbdetail” instead of “debugX” provides this output:

Code: Select all
[root@go ~]# perl /usr/share/astguiclient/ --dbdetail
DBD::mysql::st execute failed: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '' at line 1 at /usr/share/astguiclient/ line 1743.
executing: SELECT count(*) FROM vicidial_list where called_since_last_reset='N' and status IN('CONG','VI_F','VI','NEDV','B','AB','9_UNIV','NEW') and list_id IN('443') and ((gmt_offset_now IN('13.00','12.75','12.50','12.25','12.00','11.75','11.50','11.25','11.00','10.75','10.50','10.25','10.00','9.75','9.50','9.25','9.00','8.75','8.50','8.25','8.00','7.75','7.50','7.25','7.00','6.75','6.50','6.25','6.00','5.75','5.50','5.25','5.00','4.75','4.50','4.25','4.00','3.75','3.50','3.25','3.00','2.75','2.50','2.25','2.00','1.75','1.50','1.25','1.00','0.75','0.50','0.25','0.00','-0.25','-0.50','-0.75','-1.00','-1.25','-1.50','-1.75','-2.00','-2.25','-2.50','-2.75','-3.00','-3.25','-3.50','-3.75','-4.00','-4.25','-4.50','-4.75','-5.00','-5.25','-5.50','-5.75','-6.00','-6.25','-6.50','-6.75','-7.00','-7.25','-7.50','-7.75','-8.00','-8.25','-8.50','-8.75','-9.00','-9.25','-9.50','-9.75','-10.00','-10.25','-10.50','-10.75','-11.00','-11.25','-11.50','-11.75','-12.00','-12.25','-12.50','-12.75','99') ) ) and  ; You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '' at line 1 at /usr/share/astguiclient/ line 1743.

Yes, I noticed there is an error, but I have no idea what does that means. But! If I use this command for single campain (with param: --campaign=[id]), it doesn't show anything which, I suppose, means everything is ok.

All campaigns are set to 24 hour calling and manual method dialling. Also among dial statuses there is “NEW” status added.

I also tried to combine some hopper settings such as automatic hopper level or others but with no luck.
I tried to create brand new campaign (not copy it from another as usual), but it doesn't help.
Database repair doesn't help either.

Could you advice me, please? Thanks in advance.

Re: No leads in hopper (but worked properly before)

PostPosted: Mon Jul 01, 2013 6:27 am
by DomeDan
I think the problem is that you previously had a filter in use that you removed,
So now for every campaign you need to set "Lead Filter:" to "NONE" instead of what it says now, probably nothing


Re: No leads in hopper (but worked properly before)

PostPosted: Mon Jul 01, 2013 7:30 am
by lukymajster
Thank you so much! It worked.