Both says based on a certain Linux distribution (ours is CentOS, Vicibox is OpenSuse). Both also says will install or automatically install Vicidial.
We disagree on this: Yours mentions Vicidial "in passing" just like MySQL as if it's "just a tool". Vicibox mentions the Vicidial Call Center Suite as if THAT were the software being installed. Um ... because it IS the software being installed. Whereas yours calls GoAutoDial the "call center system" without regard for the fact that it is not (itself) a call center system without Vicidial's functionality.
Furthermore: Vicibox calls itself (Clearly!) an installation CD for Vicidial! In fact, from your quote, that's the first sentence. Yours implies heavily that GoAutoDial is the application while "sort of mentioning" Vicidial, just the word "Vicidial", without any mention of the relationship between GoAutoDial and Vicidial or the simple fact that Vicidial is actually the "Call Center System" and goautodial is used to install it.
I do love these little annual chats we have.
You have a marvelous product. It is relied upon by many call centers for a valid Vicidial install on CentOS (and by many who simply want the pretty agent interface). It's also arguably simpler to install than Vicibox for some end-users. But I spend a lot of time explaining that GoAutoDial is NOT the Dialer Software, but Vicidial Is ... thus allowing those seeking support to locate and use The Vicidial Managers Manual and place support requests for Vicidial related issues in "Support" and those related to your installation CD or other enhancements in "GoAutodial" instead. I don't understand why you imply something that is not true, when the truth is that GoAutoDial is a cool product as what it is: An Installer with Enhancements. Be proud of that instead of trying to act like it's something else.
I realize you likely want ALL support questions to land on your GoAutoDial 'Redmine' support forum/board, even if they are actually Vicidial related and not Goautodial related due to the obvious fact that it generates more income. The Vicidial support board has lots of help, whereas your board has only your team ... so those looking to drop cash obviously come to you!
My opinion. Glad you asked.
Ok. This worked for me. So what does that mean as far as using the regular go autodial interface?
It means that GoAutoDial may have some bugs in the Agent Screens (because they are revised). Use the regular Vicidial screens but test the GoAutoDial ones (because they are pretty) and let Gardo know what bugs need to be fixed. It'll take a while (usually a full revision level behind), but if you like them you have to help gardo know where the bugs are. His people can't test EVERYTHING, LOL (but they do try).