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problem with cariere

PostPosted: Mon Jul 08, 2013 8:01 am
by mte2005
install from iso goautodial 3.0

GoAutoDial CE 3.0
Vicidial 2.4rc1

i folow all instruction on admin guide, i dont now when i'm buged
i can't see my carrier in the case to selected in compagne choice
and when i do sip show registry too it is not registre
it's first time i instal 3.0 :D so i can't resolved once

best regards

Re: problem with cariere

PostPosted: Tue Jul 09, 2013 2:04 pm
by gardo
Running "yum update" is highly recommended. This will download and install the latest updates.

Please post your carrier settings here.

Re: problem with cariere

PostPosted: Wed Jul 10, 2013 7:04 am
by mte2005
already done but noting
i have other problem too
that agent can't acces to user intarface
it tell me wrong password, ans whene cheking system conf it is the same
may be i have a db problem or script agent page problem i dont now

Re: problem with cariere

PostPosted: Thu Jul 11, 2013 8:13 pm
by williamconley
1) never fear the reinstall ... especially when you have a brand new system you just installed. It's free and you may begin to get used to it.

2) you should consider installing's .iso instead of goautodial's .iso in case it works better for you. Compare the two, they BOTH install Vicidial (which is the dialer software you want to use)

3) The Vicidial Manager's Manual is the ultimate resource for configuration of Vicidial (like agent logins ...). Available (free and paid versions) on The Carrier setup is in the Free area.

4) We charge $25 to configure a carrier for clients. Very handy for beginners.

5) Always consider trying another carrier if you have problems with your first one. Having multiple carriers is a good idea anyway (insurance against down carrier and "disagreements" with your carrier!)

Re: problem with cariere

PostPosted: Sat Jul 13, 2013 7:55 am
by gardo
You haven't posted your carrier settings yet or screenshot. What's the build number of your GOadmin application? If you have applied the updates (via yum update) you should be seeing this add carrier wizard (manual entry). Try adding your carrier using the updated wizard.


Re: problem with cariere

PostPosted: Sat Jul 13, 2013 8:38 pm
by williamconley
It looks cool. Should include the "Qualify" options (I had a carrier last week that won't allow it, calls will fail because the qualify packets are rejected to reduce their server load). Qualify could be yes/no/# based on preference.

I especially like the "Available" check for the ID. Very useful.

I presume checking Registration will bring up a registry field? 8-)

Re: problem with cariere

PostPosted: Tue Jul 16, 2013 2:26 am
by gardo
Thanks! Yes it does (for the registration field). :D Also "qualify=yes" is enabled by default. Advance settings/configurations can be changed after hitting Submit and editing the carrier entry.