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vicidialNOW FAQ

PostPosted: Fri Jan 04, 2008 12:40 am
by s0lid
1. What is vicidialNOW?

VicidialNOW is a Linux Distro Base on CentOS 5 focused to be a full Call Center Suite System that just works.

2. Where can i download it?

We have a direct link in our website

3. What's the root and admin password?

all passwords are vicidialnow all small caps. the user for the console is root. and for astguiclient is admin.

4. I've installed VicidialNOW 1.1 but asterisk and astguiclient doesn't work.

please refair to this sticky

Vtiger CRM

PostPosted: Wed May 28, 2008 11:18 am
by s0lid
username: admin
password: admin

Enter this on the web form to use Vtiger w/ Vicidial:


The IP address by default is You need to modify /var/www/html/vicidial/vtiger_search.php if you have changed your IP address.