It appears that I might have boched something up. I only see one lead in on the list page. WHen I try to add leads using INSERT ni MySQL, the first lead goes in ok, but the second time I try to insert the same fields:
- Code: Select all
insert into vicidial_list values('lead01','2004-01-06','','NEW','','','','105','','','1','7275551212','Mr','Matt','X','Freely','1234 Fake St.','','','Clearwater','FL','','33760','','M','1970-01-01','','','suprise','comments go here','0','');
I get this message:
- Code: Select all
ERROR 1062 (23000): Duplicate entry '4294967295' for key 1
Is there a way for me to revert tothe original vicidial_list table?