confused about ISDN

I currently have a vicidialnow install with a digium te210p dual pri card.
I can create call lists and load the hopper and vicidial says its making calls...but it doesn't call my cell phone,
I have the remote agent/broadcast set up as explained in the managers manual, but i have found no real clear information about how to use the isdn cards for outbound dialing, and what the setup is.
Zaptel is configured and the board is green..
ztcfg displays my channels correctly and zttool shows my board as green and i can loop and unloop it ..vicidial is just not initiating calls over my channels.
I can create call lists and load the hopper and vicidial says its making calls...but it doesn't call my cell phone,
I have the remote agent/broadcast set up as explained in the managers manual, but i have found no real clear information about how to use the isdn cards for outbound dialing, and what the setup is.
Zaptel is configured and the board is green..
ztcfg displays my channels correctly and zttool shows my board as green and i can loop and unloop it ..vicidial is just not initiating calls over my channels.