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Fri Aug 14, 2009 7:55 pm
by joylovebasu
Many time we have seen an user when post a topic , doesnt get it answered just becos he has not mentioned abt his server and vici version and etc which are basic things.
Why NOT this forum ask for those details when an user signs up or login and make it a must to fill those details ?
Will make everyone life easy !!

Fri Aug 14, 2009 8:21 pm
by williamconley
LOL. That's a good question.
What do we do if the poster has more than one system?
I have about 45 servers out there right now, and there isn't room for such a thing.
With all Forums there are "Stickies" (in News Groups there used to be "FAQ bots") to give out this information. Most users who would ignore the stickies would either "fake" the information (worse than no information) or just go somewhere else because they couldn't post easily.

Fri Aug 14, 2009 8:45 pm
by joylovebasu
But not all have 45 or so systems..
May be 5 out of 100 are handling multiple systems
and those 5 members hardly post about their problem as they are pretty experienced to ask silly or common known questions.
For example : opr3 , William and etc

Fri Aug 14, 2009 9:23 pm
by williamconley
and all those who are told 'post your settings' are also given an answer if possible. but they aren't discourage or blocked from posting by a pre-requisite. SOMETIMES the questions are generic enough to NOT need it.
i don't think EFLO wants to block users, even if it is a free service. but the USERS, they want to know that this will help them to get the free help.

Sat Aug 15, 2009 5:39 am
by Op3r
Hey hey hey
I ask silly question when I cant see what the hell was wrong in the first place.
There's nothing wrong in asking questions. Even the best of us asks questions. However the only person who didint ask help here was matt or so I think.
We try to answer all the questions but not to the point of spoon feeding the answer. How can we educate users if we just spoon feed the solutions?
I'd rather have someone learned the solution to his problem thru a little work than someone just copy and pasted the solution.