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how to check it voicemail

PostPosted: Fri Aug 28, 2009 4:59 pm
by chill_master
I believe there's a button before to check for voicemail form the GUI right? But now you have to call in to an extension and provide login id and password, right?

I don't know what login id and password it asks for. Is that the user id and their password? or the phone ones?

I already have upset customers because of my voicemails.. hehehe.

Can anybody help me? :(

PostPosted: Mon Aug 31, 2009 9:29 pm
by williamconley
the voicemail system is part of asterisk. vicidial will create the accounts in asterisk VM using the credentials you set up under Admin->Phones.

Some releases of Vicidial have a (fairly easy to fix) bug in the voicemail system. But independently of Vicidial you can use the asterisk dialplan to create VM boxes, and to check/leave VM.

If all you need is the credentials, they are in Admin->Phones.