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Disable outbound dialing on sip ext

PostPosted: Thu Oct 22, 2009 7:47 pm
by inthegenes
I have a campaign that is starting shortly that requires the use of remote agents. I intend to give the remote agents sip extensions to log into VICIDIAL using the agc/vicidial.php, the same way agents log in locally.
However I would like to restrict the sip extension that it cannot make any outbound calls via our sip provider. Restricting it to only be used for logging into vicidial.

Can a sip extension be restricted so that it cannot make outbound calls, only log into the dialer?
Or has anyone ever implemented a time based restriction for logging into a sip account, similar to the time based restriction for logging into VICIDIAL?

I am running VICIDIAL NOW at verison

I read the manual's entry on remote agents and it seems catered more towards forwarding calls to a number of the remote agents preference. Can someone confirm this, I am not sure that this is direction that the client had in mind. However if they are no solutions to the aforementioned issue of having someone have access to dialing through our sip provider without restrictions I am willing to look into the remote agent login via VICIDIALs admin php.

PostPosted: Fri Oct 23, 2009 6:19 pm
by mflorell
Just to clarify, "Remote Agents" refers to a specific function in ViciDial and does not mean all agents that work remotely.

Yes, you can restrict SIP phone dialing on the system, although i don't know about restricting SIP registration to a calendar or time.

PostPosted: Sun Oct 25, 2009 9:56 am
by inthegenes
Yes I am aware that it is a feature just wanted to confirm that my understanding of it as it is stated in the Admin Manual is correct.

Could you please explain/instruct me on how to restrict SIP phone dialing on the system, preferably by extension. The restriction to calendar or time was a last minute idea.

PostPosted: Mon Oct 26, 2009 9:16 am
by mflorell
You can restrict it by changing the context that is set in sip.conf. Depending on the version of ViciDial you are using this must either be done in the sip.conf file or through the admin.php interface in the Phone modificaiton page.

Either way, if you change the context to a non-existant one then the phones will not be able to dial out at all.