Manual Call Hang up but still online?

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Manual Call Hang up but still online?

Postby Nefariousparity » Mon Jun 10, 2013 12:28 am

Hi, I am a recent convert to ViciBox, I like things that work. :)

I installed it, updated with zypper, everything is fine. However, when my agents make a manual call, the status in the top right goes from Live Call, to Hung Up, immediately. Now the call being placed is still active it just looks like the agent is in a dead call? What gives? I can't find an answer anywhere!

Kind regards Chris!
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Re: Manual Call Hang up but still online?

Postby Nefariousparity » Mon Jun 10, 2013 1:28 am

So, I just figured it out, as I thought I took care of this on these systems. The local time of the system was off, and was on East Coast, as we are a West Coast company. This was fixed quite simply by typing "yast" without quotes of course in the console. Looks like a ncurses based screen, and you just navigate to system --> date and time. I also opted to turn NTP on and set my clocks to UTC.
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