Vicibox 3.04 From 64bit-Preload.iso VERSION: 2.8-403a BUILD: 130510-1350 : Asterisk 1.4.44-vici : NO Digium HArdware : Single Server
AMD 8-CORE 4Ghz 16GigRAM : MSI 3070 Mboard : 3-2TB SATA Drives : Disabled RAID : No extra software :
I have used the disposition post url and it works pretty good.
the url does its job, but now I want to transfer control to another hidden url that lives on another server.
If I populate the fields manually from the browser it works. But I cannot get the hidden url to call it. Perhaps I am using the wrong command.
example :
$LMS = "".
$mySTRING= '<META HTTP-EQUIV="refresh" CONTENT="0;URL='.$LMS.'">';
echo $mySTRING;