ViciBox 64bit 4.03 preload iso
8 core AMD 4GHZ 16GigRAM
Vicibox 3.04 From 64bit-Preload.iso VERSION: 2.8-403a BUILD: 130510-1350 : Asterisk 1.4.44-vici : NO Digium HArdware : Single Server
AMD 8-CORE 4Ghz 16GigRAM : MSI 3070 Mboard : 3-2TB SATA Drives : Disabled RAID : No extra software :
According to the documentation, we should add another server if we go above 15 outbound agents
I guess that is a rule of thumb. With 8 agents outbound we are running 2% CPU Avg.
Would it be safe to to add a server after cpu reaches 50% avg?
I don't see how the server automatically scale in the Manager's Manual.
Is there a step-by-step add a load balanced server?
Which IP does the agents login to and do we setup one server for the inbound DIDs or do they both just 'get along'.
We have another office in another city that I may have to get involved with, they are currently at 20 outbound agents.
Would 1 server like described suffice?