Moderators: enjay, williamconley, Staydog, mflorell, MJCoate, mcargile, Kumba
Try ADMIN->Servers and see if the server has an IP address ... if it does not, you should put one in. and then we have to find out WHY it did not have one. and if it is missing anywhere else.chrisnetronix wrote:Server IP does not have an entry in the servers table
williamconley wrote:The asterisk system could not reach the sip phone (lag may have been too long) so it "marked" the phone inoperable (auto-congesting) which causes asterisk to refuse to even attempt to dial the sip phone.
turn off "qualify" or improve the lag time (or open the firewall port?) so asterisk will dial the sip phone and THAT problem should be resolved and you can work on others
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