I was hoping someone can sanity-check my migration procedure from vicibox 8.1.2 to 9.0.0 .
The installation is an all-in-one, single-server config with no major changes outside of the web interface.
I tested this in a VM and seems to have worked, for the most part.
vicibox 8.1.2 | VERSION: 2.14-714a | BUILD: 190628-1511 | SVN 3121 | asterisk 13.24.1-vici | DB schema 1572
vicibox 9.0.0 | VERSION: 2.14-721a | BUILD: 191015-1620 | SVN 3149 | asterisk 13.27.0-vici | DB schema 1577
- Code: Select all
# Initial setup for timezone, lan, and setting hostname to same as old server hostname
yast lan
# Install opts as single-server
# Remove current database
> DROP DATABASE asterisk;
# Dump old DB into mysql
gunzip asterisk_backup.sql.gz
mysql < asterisk_backup.sql
# Hunt through the schema to find schema version 1572, run all queries after that point to get up to 1577
cat /usr/src/astguiclient/trunk/extras/upgrade_2.14.sql
> USE asterisk;
> *run all required queries*
# Use server IP script as a shortcut to rewrite all old IP entries
# Manually update the audio store info, as the folder/IP changed.
# Manually update the new environment variables for consistency.
> USE asterisk;
> UPDATE system_settings SET sounds_webserver='new.ip.goes.here', sounds_web_directory='fA5snFkjdIoqAprOdkRd57gsQkd'
> UPDATE `servers` SET `asterisk_version` = '13.27.0-vici';
> UPDATE system_settings SET svn_revision='3149';
> UPDATE servers SET svn_revision='3149',svn_info='/usr/src/astguiclient/trunk
Path: .
Working Copy Root Path: /usr/src/astguiclient/trunk
URL: svn://svn.eflo.net/agc_2-X/trunk
Relative URL: ^/agc_2-X/trunk
Repository Root: svn://svn.eflo.net
Repository UUID: 3d104415-ff17-0410-8863-d5cf3c621b8a
Revision: 3149
Node Kind: directory
Schedule: normal
Last Changed Author: mattf
Last Changed Rev: 3149
Last Changed Date: 2019-10-21 04:42:33 +1100 (Mon, 21 Oct 2019)
After this, I went into Servers->"server" and set "Rebuild conf files", "Rebuild Music On Hold" and "Sounds Update" to Y, waited 5 minutes and rebooted.
Everything SEEMS like it worked, but I get the feeling I've probably missed something.
I feel like this may be the error prone, "long way" to do a migration. Just thought I'd check here before doing this over the weekend.
I also feel like `system_settings`.`version` should be updated, but I'm not sure what it should be updated to. The old one is 2.14b0.5, which doesn't correspond to the old "version" written in the bottom left of the admin interface, so I'm led to believe the value comes from somewhere else.
If there are any "gotchas" I've overlooked, or if there's anything special that needs to be done for the jump from moving it from openSUSE 42.3 to 15.1, the feedback would be appreciated.