Cluster setup hardware recommendations.

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Cluster setup hardware recommendations.

Postby chasejordan1 » Tue Feb 14, 2012 6:04 pm

I want to set up a cluster configuration and below are my thoughts and available hardware. Please let me know what you think. My usual usage at max would 25 outbound agent 1.5 lines per agent. We almost never record calls. g.711, I also do several survey campaigns using up to 400 lines, with a press 1 that goes straight to Voice Mail. No Recording of calls for survey. I have usually ran the Survey Campaign on "server a" and the agents on "server b" and seems to work ok although I do have to reboot once to twice a day and getting to 400 lines on "server a" is usually not possible 300 lines is more realistic. I am very satisfied seeing how I threw a couple computers together and bam it's up and running for "free". Anyway I would like to put it all together in a nice little package so that the DNC list is shared etc. Below are my thoughts.

[current setup]
Server A - CPU x6 2.8 GHZ 8 gig ram, 10k raptor drive
Server B - CPU x4 3.2 GHZ 8 gig ram, 10k raptor drive

[cluster "thoughts" setup_1]
Server A - Mysql/Web CPU x6 2.8 GHZ 8 gig ram, 10k raptor drive
Server B - Asterisk CPU x4 3.2 GHZ 8 gig ram, 10k raptor drive
Server C - Asterisk CPU x2 3.0 GHZ 4 gig ram, 160 drive
Server D - Asterisk CPU x4 1.8 GHZ 12 gig ram, 160 drive x2 raid 0

[cluster "thoughts" setup_2]
Server A - Mysql CPU x6 2.8 GHZ 8 gig ram, 10k raptor drive
Server B - Web CPU x4 3.2 GHZ 8 gig ram, 10 k raptor drive
Server C - Asterisk CPU x2 3.0 GHZ 4 gig ram, 160 drive
Server D - Asterisk CPU x4 1.8 GHZ 12 gig ram, 160 drive x2 raid 0
Server E - Asterisk CPU x2 3.2 GHZ 4 gig ram, 160 drive

Thank you in advance for your input.
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Postby williamconley » Wed Feb 15, 2012 12:39 pm

version 2 is preferred, but you can try version 1 to see if it will hold the load first and add another server for dedicated web if you need to.
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Server cluster config

Postby xirin6 » Wed Feb 22, 2012 3:18 pm

Any time you go over 75 agents we recommend that you split the database and web server roles between two servers.
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