by DomeDan » Fri Oct 26, 2012 6:24 am
I recently separated the database from web/telephony but there is more load on web/telephony compared to the database so I think you should move the web to the new server too.
maybe you should let the scripts run on web/database too? I'm not sure.
I used the same iso version as the original server to prevent version issues if they were to occur.
anyway, basic steps, be prepared to spend a couple of hours:
This should only be done if your familiar with linux and the vicidial system, if you don't know what these commands do, then don't execute them
/etc/init.d/cron stop && /etc/init.d/vicidial stop
echo "FLUSH TABLES WITH READ LOCK;" | mysql -uroot -p
mysqldump -uroot -p --all-databases --lock-all-tables > ~/mysqldump_move_database.dump
/etc/init.d/mysql stop
edit file /etc/astguiclient.conf change value "VARDB_server => X.X.X.X" set the ip-adress of the new server used as database
install vicibox on the new server web/databse or whatever you want
import the databasedump:
mysql -uroot -p < mysqldump_move_database.dump
and use chkconfig to enable/disable services like apache, cron, mysql, vicidial etc
chkconfig mysql off #on the telephony server for example.
/etc/init.d/cron start && /etc/init.d/vicidial start #etc when your done
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