Vicibox 4 Install Feedback

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Vicibox 4 Install Feedback

Postby geoff3dmg » Tue Jan 29, 2013 5:07 am

I'd like to share my experience installing Vicibox 4 on a Dell 1850. There were several issues I think I should make people aware of. It certainly wasn't a simple case of 'install and go'.

1) After using the preload CD the system was unbootable due to the installed initramfs missing the megaraid* modules for the LSI based PERC raid control present in the Dell server. Reading the forums this doesn't seem like an issue isolated to Vicibox 4. Anyway, to fix this I booted up the installed system using SystemRescueCD and ran 'yast sysconfig' then search for 'INITRD_MODULES' and add the required modules (megaraid_mm and megaraid_box) to the configuration option. Saving these settings in yast causes a rebuild of the initramfs with the right modules for the raid card makes the system bootable.

2) I originally chose to use the 64bit install for this server as it has 8Gb of ram however asterisk would crash with an illegal instruction error. I'm guessing the binaries for the 64bit version were compiled with some flags my CPUs don't like (They are the older Intel Tusla Xeon cores). I didn't have time to recompile asterisk so I just opted to use the 32bit install with PAE instead. This obviously worked fine.

3) I had the same issue as described by other people on the forums where auto dials would not be put in the meetme conferences with the agents. As discussed on the other thread replacing the 'agi-VDAD_ALL_outbound.agi' with the version from my 2.4 install fixed the issue. Additionally transferring calls to closers was also failing until I replaced 'agi-VDAD_ALL_inbound.agi' with the 2.4 version.

4) I had the usual issue (happens with Vbox3) with my carrier (Orbtalk in the UK) where auto calls would hangup as soon as they were put in a meetme conference with an agent. Adding a couple of sip-slience lines to the routing extension fixed that up.
Vicibox 5.03 from .iso | VERSION: 2.10-451a BUILD: 140902-0816 | Asterisk | Multi-Server | Amfeltec H/W Timing Cards | No Extra Software After Installation | Dell PowerEdge 1850 | Pentium 4 'Prescott' Xenon Quad @ 3.40GHz
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Re: Vicibox 4 Install Feedback

Postby mflorell » Tue Jan 29, 2013 7:04 am

What vicibox version were you using?

What is the admin.php version and build?

What options did you select when you did your install?

For number 3, I really don't know why that would be happening, were there any errors in the Asterisk CLI when you tested calls?

For number 4, the calls probably never made it into the meetme room because of Local channel resolution. This is caused by your carrier not sending audio right away so Asterisk doesn't resolve the Local channel. Putting the sip-silence playbacks in helps to give more time for the audio to start and the channel to resolve.
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Re: Vicibox 4 Install Feedback

Postby geoff3dmg » Tue Jan 29, 2013 7:41 am

I installed from ViciBox.i686-4.0.2.preload.iso. I installed using the vicibox-express and accepted all the defaults.

The version on my admin.php is:

VERSION: 2.6-392a
BUILD: 130102-1135

3) There's no errors per say but the AGI script doesn't even attempt to put the call in a Meetme room (there's no mention of the MeetMe() function being called). There's another thread here with people having the exact same problem. I'm afraid the forum software wont let me link it.

4) Yes that sounds right. As I said this isn't a new problem for me and it only happens with that particular carrier. Another carrier I use (Voiceflex) is totally fine with the vanilla routing dialplan.
Vicibox 5.03 from .iso | VERSION: 2.10-451a BUILD: 140902-0816 | Asterisk | Multi-Server | Amfeltec H/W Timing Cards | No Extra Software After Installation | Dell PowerEdge 1850 | Pentium 4 'Prescott' Xenon Quad @ 3.40GHz
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Re: Vicibox 4 Install Feedback

Postby mflorell » Tue Jan 29, 2013 8:54 am

for number 3, if possible could you set the Server logging to BOTH and restart, then try inbound and closer calls and look at the screenlog (/var/log/astguiclient/screenlog.0) logfile and see if there are any errors that appear?
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Re: Vicibox 4 Install Feedback

Postby geoff3dmg » Tue Jan 29, 2013 12:26 pm

The server is being used in anger now. I may have some time to try what you suggest in the mornings before the agents get on the phones though. I'll report back when I have some logs.
Vicibox 5.03 from .iso | VERSION: 2.10-451a BUILD: 140902-0816 | Asterisk | Multi-Server | Amfeltec H/W Timing Cards | No Extra Software After Installation | Dell PowerEdge 1850 | Pentium 4 'Prescott' Xenon Quad @ 3.40GHz
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Re: Vicibox 4 Install Feedback

Postby williamconley » Tue Jan 29, 2013 12:28 pm

3) There's no errors per say but the AGI script doesn't even attempt to put the call in a Meetme room (there's no mention of the MeetMe() function being called). There's another thread here with people having the exact same problem. I'm afraid the forum software wont let me link it.
also remember that Matt was not asking specifically for meetme errors, but for errors after the answer of the call. This error could cause the meetme to never be invoked. There are several that can cause this issue. Some as simple as modifying your IP after building the system and others much more complex.

So a test call with no other traffic, at the moment of "answer" will generate code ... show that code or just any errors in that section. extension 8368 should be invoked ... somewhere in there is an error or a Feature, depending on the situation.
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