I dont usually answer post regarding dial-plan setup and stuff like that.
but I will give it a try because no one else seams to do it.
the dialed number '00639166962508' can be called because you have no part in the dial-plan to take care of it.
if you put a '9' in 'Dial Prefix:' on your campaigns then asterisk will try to call '900639166962508'
to handle that phone number you should edit you dialplan to something like this:
exten => _90XZXXXXXXXXX.,1,AGI(
exten => _90XZXXXXXXXXX.,2,Dial(17772672581:xxxxxx@callcentric.xxx/17772672581:5060/${EXTEN:3},,tTor)
exten => _90XZXXXXXXXXX.,3,Hangup
and btw this "17772672581:xxxxxx@callcentric.xxx" should probably be in the registration string
"register => 17772672581:xxxxxx@callcentric.xxx:5060"
and global string like this
"SIPTRUNK = SIP/somename"
where somename is the name of the account entry "[somename]"
and in the end the dial plan would like like this instead:
exten => _90XZXXXXXXXXX.,1,AGI(
exten => _90XZXXXXXXXXX.,2,Dial(${SIPTRUNK}/${EXTEN:3},,tTor)
exten => _90XZXXXXXXXXX.,3,Hangup
with "${EXTEN:3}" this number "900639166962508" will make asterisk call this "639166962508" number
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